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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning everyone. We spent the day with an older friend who had trouble with her TV remote. Long story short, we just bought her a new TV, cables, etc. so she could just push a button instead of using 3 different remotes to watch TV! Long day, though. And I never did have time to buy bigger pepper pots! Maybe today. . . .

Have a blessed day. SMILE and share your joy.
Good morning!
-5c and snowing, supposed to snow for the next two days. Just kicking back today
Have a great Day !!
Good morning all :)
25f/-4c and cloudy here today 
most of the snow from the last bit we got is already melting and i can begin to see the backyard again  :)
lot's more transplanting to do still, and i still need to sow a tray of tomatoes for the father in-laws garden
not sure where i'm going to put them until the end of May when we can plant out though 
my pepper baby grow out table is filling up quick might have to set up yet another light  :rolleyes:
hope your all having a wonderful weekend
S.M.I.L.E. :D
Good morning.

Got a bit of rain this weekend. Things are getting green around here. Unfortunately, I see fruit blossoms. Suppose to drop into the 20s next weekend for a couple days. That could ruin this years crop of peaches.

Thanks Jane and Jason. I work as a mechanic. Mostly outdoors and on the ground. Its not the best job in the world but its a job. Its close to home. Ill have to save up for some time off this Summer. Cant afford to take time off, let alone a vacation. Could be worse.

Hope you all have a great day.
Good morning everyone. Chuck, I still don't like your boss.  When the kids were little, we took a vacation every other year - a drive to PA to see his family. I liked the drive, but the rest was sure He**. So we're still on the every other year vacation.  Besides, the garden comes first!!!
We're supposed to get the rain from Chuck's part of the state. The Denver water board made a statement about the drought for this summer. So we'll take all the rain we can get! Many of the ski resorts are even closing this weekend.
Hope your day will be filled with joy. Drive safely. SMILE.