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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning .... 4.35am here on the east coast of Australia ... time to get up for work ...what a terrible invention work is.
Morning folks. Masters week is here. Would give my first born for a "divot" from there.Might be the most beautiful place on earth. It is officially spring.
Good morning all...............50 and loving it.....tomorrow will be in the 60's!................the weather that is
Good morning all...............50 and loving it.....tomorrow will be in the 60's!................the weather that is

I thought you might be meaning it's your 50th today and to clebrate you were planning on going back to the 60's with some beneficial fungi of some type :D ;)
no, no, no Sic - we're trying to get on YOUR schedule, not the other way around!!!!! haha

Shoot, things are exciting here in the middle of the night! Just watched a burned burn down across the field...I think it was empty.
Good day. Pip pip cheerio! Ok I tried. Not a good morning both my oldest and I have tummy troubles and she was up at 4:30 having a fit. Dad helped though thank God. But now I don't feel great......... gggrrrrrrr.
mornin' Pi...getcha a good cup and enjoy....

morning all..