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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

good afternoon all :)
got to see a beautiful Tom turkey and his flock of 9 hens this morning as he was strutting his stuff like he was so proud of himself  :lol:
wife went out to refill the bird feeders and what was in the driveway ? This guy
4 hens on this side
5 more on this side  :cool:
Waffles with frozen blueberries for breakfast today
no real plans for the day, might transplant a few clones
hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday
S.M.I.L.E. :D
Good morning.  Found a few morels yesterday in a spot 30 miles northwest of me.  It was tough hunting.  I found 8 and gave 2 to a guy who didn't find any.  It's 42 on its way to 58 with howling north winds.  It actually made it to 87 degrees yesterday.  Crazy!  My schedule looks full.  Most likely we won't leave the farm for the next few days.  Be safe and be good.    


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I've been chased by a Tom on my bike before. He must have hung in there for a third of a mile it was hysterical. Good morning yall. Think wife is going into town today. Running boards for the van came in, install today or tomorrow. Ventilation fan also is here. I wont be installing that. Need a couple other things and I'll have someone do it all at once. Not much of nothing going to. Have a great day.
Good morning everyone. Sunny, looking for rain tonight. Harry - loved seeing the mushrooms, what a treat. 87* sounds too crazy a temp right now. Easter here is supposed to be snowy with a high of 32*. I have a few more onions to plant for a friend. I went crazy and planted close to 100, usually it’s only 20. 
GIP - love the turkey pics. We only get deer, elk, coyotes walking the streets. And tons of geese.
Enjoy today. Send someone a card and make their day a bit brighter.
Good morning.  It's 29 on its way to 56.  Weekend looks rainy, cool and windy.  Light work schedule today.  Going to knock off at around 1:00 and work on fishing tackle.  Thinking about fixing up a big pot of ham and beans for the weekend.  Whiskey and a few beers most likely this evening.  
Did a walkabout in the garden yesterday.  The potatoes are up.  I saw some asparagus coming up too.  I also noticed some volunteer lettuce.  Looks like it's going to be a good year for rhubarb.  Strawberry plants decided they're going to try to escape from their beds and they've run out into the gravel.  The blackberry plants are putting out fresh green growth. Other than that, the wife has been weeding while I have been working in the office. Didn't see a single weed. 
I do have a few beds to refill with my soil mix and I did see some thin areas in the gravel walkways.  Plenty to do.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning everyone. It should be a nice day for more gardening. Kudos to Harry's wife for weeding the gardens. Sounds like good Spring growth in their gardens. I planted a lot of new iris from last year's swap and most have sprouted. Can’t wait to see a few of the new ones, maybe next year. 
Happy Good Friday. Enjoy your day and share the joy with others. 
Good morning everyone. I like Sic's day so far. We went shopping at Costco for a neighbor yesterday, and they had pallets of toilet paper, Kleenex, etc. Not as many people there before a holiday. We saw huge tomato and pepper plants outside - way too early to plant here. They should sent them all to Sic.
Enjoy your Saturday as best you can. Our county made the decision to open schools in August. This too shall pass.
Good morning.  Beautiful morning in the middle.  It's 65 on it's way to 25.  That's right.  Winter returns this afternoon and will stay with us for awhile.  Got some home office work to do this afternoon.  Started a kraut ferment and a pepper ferment yesterday .... we'll see how those go. Still under the stay at home order.  Be safe and be good.
Good morning.  Freeze warning.  It's 26 on its way to 45.  The forecast is for a cold week until we get to the weekend. 
Today's work schedule is light.  I've got to get one my trucks into the shop this morning.  Was looking at the calendar and we're a month away from plant out.  I wish it would hurry. 
Starting Week 5 of working from home.  I wonder how much longer this is going to last.  The Kansas state order expires on the 19th but I expect it will be extended.  My work's request is through the 30th.  My DoD customer's order is through 10 May.  I bet we get extended to mid May.
Be safe and be good.  
Good morning everyone. . . . and the snow continues. Yesterday's temps were 32/15*F at our house and will continue for the rest of the week. Nothing much is happening around here - even the cat-for-now is getting bored! We've been watching a few movies. Nice that HBO and others have offered some free viewing for a couple of months.
Have a great day and stay healthy.
Good morning.  It's 38 on its way to 51 with a chance of a shower.  My work schedule is totally slammed.  Six meetings today with at least two being somewhat stressful.  Made a quick stop at the WM yesterday.  They were counting people going in/out.  Parking lot looked just like any before COVID day.  Not much else going on ..... need to mow.  Might do that tomorrow.  Be safe and be good.  