good morning all
59F on it's way up to 74F this afternoon, looks like sunny with a few clouds for the next week in the forecast.
Garlic bed is doing great

Berries and cherries look like they will be putting out a decent yield this year.
Climbing rose has more blooms on it than i ever remember seeing before
some of the first re blooming daylillies started blooming
I really want to get out and do some fishing

but the garden comes first, and with all the rain, it seems mowing is going to be a constant chore this year.
Waffles with fresh strawberries and blueberries for breakfast this morning, then outside to pull more weeds, and rearrange the rows of peppers in grow bags so they got more space each.
Hope you all have a fantastic Friday, and a wonderful weekend
stay safe, be kind, and remember to S.M.I.L.E.