good morning all
still under mandatory curfew (no leaving your property between 8 pm and 6 am)
all the shops that were still doing delivery or take out are boarded up like they are prepared for a tornado
the rioters took over one of the downtown police stations and then burned it up

set fires all over
blocked roads and freeways so the firecrews couldn't even get close enough to put out the fires
MN National guard was brought in to help enforce curfew and prevent more rioting and looting
all the Target stores are closed up
reminds me of Los Angeles back in 1992

sad times
on another note;
no scapes on our garlic yet, but they've got to be a couple feet tall already
got the last of the Serranos planted finally
got several plants that need bigger pots to transplant still
stay safe, and be excellent to one another