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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

mornin' all...leavin' this morning for the East Texas Piney Woods...beautiful country... 5 days of pickin' some sweet music with best friends...rosebud will be singin' until Sunday evening...got an hour show Friday night that I will be playing with my best buds Jim Bob and Thomas Allen...if anyone is interested, here is where I will be...this music festival is the reason I got back into playing...I had laid off for 10 years up until 9 years ago...

Good morning!

AJ - Sounds like a good time. No, a great time - enjoy!

Today - Off to Peppers at the Beach for the weekend - whoot!
Good morning everyone. It is nice to know that there are plenty of early risers on here. I'm always up by 5am, without the help of an alarm clock.

Anyone have any cool plans for Memorial Day Weekend?
morning G and all...

I posted this on FB and wanted to share my thoughts on Memorial Day Weekend...

Yes Sir, here it is Memorial Day Weekend 2012...​

I am flying my flags this weekend to honor those who passed before us that have fought for this country and those who gave their lives courageously without thinking about anything except God and Country.

As I watched my flags flying I took a minute to reminisce about the Marines/Army/Navy/Air Force/Coast Guard members that so valiantly gave their lives from the day of this country's inception to today....the fighting on the beaches of Iwo Jima, in the jungles of Viet Nam, the trenches of WWI, the cold of Korea, those that died during the War of Northern Aggression, the most costly of all wars and it was brothers against brothers...the Revolutionary War against the mightiest military power on earth at the time...the War of 1812 when England wanted the United States back...the Mexican American War to keep Mexico from reclaiming Texas...the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq....the list goes on and on...

Do you know how many have died serving this country? I didn't either so I Wikied it...2,489,335 dead and wounded of which 1,343,812 gave the ultimate sacrifice of self for country. To put this in perspective, the population of the USA was 2,500,000 in 1780.

I, myself am a Veteran and proud to have served this country...unless you have served in any branch of the Military, there is no way you can comprehend what it means to me...

God Bless those that have made the ultimate sacrifice for the United States of America, the greatest country on earth.