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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Goooooooooood Mornin THP! Cloudy skys here in Centeral Florida but the temperature is really nice and tomorrow is all sunny and in the 90's Have a great weekend y'all.
Good morning y'all...last day to get stuff in order for my first farmers market of the season! Damn I still enjoy picking pequins as the day begins to warm up - one for the market, one for me....one more for me, and repeat!

good moring,,have a great day. going to pick my step son up today,he staying for 2 months. then of 2 pinellas chili festival,woot woot!
mornin' all...it's getting the time of season to keep an eye out for hornworms here...I pulled two off my plants this morning and have pulled 7 off in the past 5 days...watchem'...
Good morning all...

Yesterday I added 3 different peppers to my patio hydro grow, each in a 5 gal bucket planted with different soilless mixes to test their relative efficacy - fish pepper in perlite+growstone, orange habanero in peat+growstone, and jalapeno in peat+perlite. Glad it's raining a little!
Good morning! Time to get caffeinated, upload some more review vids, and practice for a yo-yo contest this weekend.

Anyone else on here this morning???
Good morning folks... I had no idea people still used yo-yos. Cool! Tell Tommy Smothers hi for me.

I would do that...if he would ever show up for a yo-yo contest. From what I hear, he won't appear at any contests unless he is paid to do so.

And yeah, people still use yo-yos. It's not as popular as it once was though. Not even close. But the technology has evolved a great deal, and the skill level of players these days is through the roof.
Sunburns suck, but shirts and hats work wonders..... just sayin'! Hope it heals soon!

Good morning. Supposed to be a beautiful day here.
good morning looks like ill be getting more rain today. might just take it easy today maybe watch a movie and sip on a couple brews
Good Morning THP! Only got 3 hours of sleep last night, and have a feeling that today will be a long, long day...Stay classy THP...
Up early today, packing and preparing for the road trip. Gonna be up even earlier tomorrow, so that we can hit the road before traffic, and hopefully make it to Indy by the early afternoon.