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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Morning all, it's a day off today, I'm not going to waste it lounging around scratching my belly! :D
Want to pot on the sweet peppers, move the Scorps and Reapers out of the incubator and generally tidy up the seedlings.
It's sunny and 53F on it's way to 81F. Another beautiful day. Watered the pepper rows yesterday and did some weeding. Today the plan is to plant beans and get started on tomato rows. Need to move it along. Things need to be in the ground. Hope everybody has a fantastic Monday. Good Morning!
Good morning. It's 67 on its way to 82. Rain just passed through. I need to get out in the garden and cage/restake the tomatoes. They are getting huge. Still haven't planted those 1/2 dozen stragglers. I also need to run up to the city and pick up a few things. Not much else is going on today. Be safe and be be good.
Morning fellow hottie growers - yesterday didn't go as planned - surprise!
Still haven't potted on as promised, weather turned and that was that. I did get 5 cakes made for the charity shop.
And, after saying I wouldn't start any more peppers off 😊 I sort of failed - fatali and Jamaicans and I promise that is the very last. NO MORE!
Today is a work day. Have a good Tuesday :D
Good morning. It's 70 (21c) on its way to 84 (29c). Another T-Storm in progress. Should clear out in a couple of hours. Yesterday, they only called me 4 times from work .... so much for retirement .... but I did log five hours as contractor ..... hopefully they get tired of paying my rate :shocked: . Today, I need to make a trip to WM for a few supplies and then work in the garden. The tomatoes look great but the peppers are still cussing all of the rain. Still picking a few strawberries. We ended up with two 5 gallon buckets ..... not a bad haul. There's thousands of blackberry blossoms out there. Maybe a good season for blackberries. We'll see. Not much else is going on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's overcast and 64F, on its way to 73F and a rainy afternoon. Got four varieties of beans planted yesterday and started clearing rows for tomatoes. Hope things are dry enough and I have the rows ready to plant them by Friday. My sister just flew in from CA today and she will be staying/visiting with Mom. She'll be here two weeks. Haven't seen her since pre-covid, so it will be nice. Not a lot planned for the day - maybe a few errands, then off to see Sis. Hope everybody has a great Tuesday!
Good morning. Talking with a neighbor, we finally figured out why part of the garden is always wet. We’ve been waiting more than a week for It to dry out so I could plant tomatoes. They had a water main break with flooding in their yard, water bubbling in the street. Since the garden area is next to their yard, we seem to have inherited lots of water. Not happy, but at least the puzzle seems to be solved and I’ll just plant in soggy soil and hope for the best.
Have a wonderful day. Stay healthy and safe.
Ho hum - overcast and wet, forecast says hot hot hot for the weekend, which'll help my stragglers.
Couple of clients today then my time is my own. I want to pot on the cayennes, black hungarians, Indian limos and jalapenos that are getting a bit too big for their pots. Have a good hump day!
I'm thinking of starting a glog :think:
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Good morning. It's 66 on its way to 78. Big storms came through early this morning with high winds. Watching the news .... there's lots of damage, trees down and power lines down up in the KC suburbs. I haven't surveyed our property yet. Mowed yesterday. We'll see how the day goes ..... I'd like to get the boat out and there's always work to do in the garden. Be safe and be good.
It's cloudy and 72F, on its way to 81F. Thunderstorm later this afternoon. Don't know what's on the plate for today. Hope to go down to the garden and do some row prep. Hope everybody has a great Wednesday. Good morning!
Morning all - yesterday didn't go as planned - no surprise there. Far too windy to even think about potting on. Forecast to be calmer today so yesterday's chores becomes today's to-do list (there's philosophy for you) :P Hopefully I'll get the mangetout planted out as well. Have a good Thursday.
Good morning. It's 65 on its way to 80. Got to take the wife's vehicle in for maintenance today. Maybe get the boat out after that. Yesterday, we finished staking and caging all of the peppers and tomatoes. That took us almost 8 hours. I can feel it this morning. Not much else is going on today. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. I finished planting tomatoes in the chunky clay dirt, and may just plant some zinnias instead of pathetic peppers. I’m hoping Ace Hardware will get their shipment of Anaheims today, so I’ll at least have a few peppers. The deck gal should finish today, what a long journey this has been. Maybe things can return to some sort of normalcy by the hot 95F weekend.
Have a wonderful day. Stay safe and healthy.
Good morning. It's sunny and 71F on its way to 76F. Supposed to be breezy but a nice day. Got a little weeding done in the garden yesterday, then the thunderstorms moved in. Heading down there again today. Still plan to get tomatoes planted tomorrow. Hope everybody has an awesome Thursday!