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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's 60 on its way to 100. Not sure what we've got going on today .... it's our last day here. MWC: We really like Cooper's BBQ. We discovered it in New Braunfels many years ago and we try to make a stop at one (I think they've got 5 or 6 Texas stores) if we can. Sic: It's always fun to check out the local breweries. There's some unique brews down here for sure. We also picked up a few bottles of Fredricksburg area wine at a few winery stops. Thinking about trying a different drive back tomorrow and avoiding the I-35 "cluster" in Texas. Don't really want to leave the area but we'll be back in the fall. Looking forward to getting home, the long holiday weekend and working outside. 8 days until full retirement! Be safe and be good.
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Good morning. It's mostly cloudy and 63F, on its way to 76F. Thunderstorm forecast for this afternoon. I think it's too wet to plant more peppers, but I'll go down and check. There's also severe weather forecast for the next two days. Probably not a good time to plant beans either. As Catherine says, there's always weeds to pull lol. Have a great Thursday everybody!
Good morning. 90F is predicted for today-too hot for May. The deck guys arrived to start staining, slow and meticulous. I guess it’s better they do things right. I just want my space back. I need to dig up some plants for tomorrow’s plant swap plus keep weeding the horrible bindweed that is everywhere. Do you have a favorite weed to hate?
I hope you have a wonderful day. Enjoy earth’s beauty.
Good morning. Heavy rain and 66F, on its way to 74F. Tornado watch in effect. It's supposed to rain ALL day. No work in the garden. I'm sure the henbit and deadnettle will be there when I return. Grrr. Not much planned for today. Need to finalize bean selection. They will be planted next week, weather permitting. Have a great Friday everybody!
Good morning. 89F temps for the weekend, then cooler, good planting weather next week. Will pre-sprout a few beans soon. Plant Swap is on today’s docket. Hopefully I don’t bring home too many plants. The iris that got smashed by the heavy snow are making a comeback and showing off their colors.
It sounds like Harry and family had a great vacation. Glad to hear that.
Enjoy this holiday weekend. Stay safe.
Good morning. It's 64 on its way to 84. We're back in KS. 10 hour drive back .... uneventful. I've got to mow/trim today. Going to the match tonight. The garden looks OK .... a little water logged. My wife is out picking strawberries. Not much else is going on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 62F on its way to 77F. Rain is done. Total was around 3". Gonna do some visiting the next couple days, so nothing going on in the garden. Hope everybody has a great weekend!
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Good morning. Plant swap yesterday was great, nice seeing many people we haven’t seen in awhile. The temp was in the 80’s and we all came home with lots of new starts. I’m hoping to work in the CG this afternoon, getting ready to plant. Lots to do.
Enjoy your weekend. Rember those who gave their lives for our freedom.
Good morning. It's 72 on its way to 90. Real windy. Not sure what we've got going on today. We were going to plant more lettuce and onions today but I'm afraid they might become airborne. Harvesting lots of strawberries and the blackberries are in full blossom now. Be safe and be good.
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Good morning. It's sunny and 65F on its way to 82F. Should be a beautiful day. My back is acting up so not sure what's on the agenda for today. Probably not much. Hope everyone has a great Sunday.
Harry can you eat blackberries and such? My diverticulitis wil not allow it, which totally sucks. We have so many black berry bushes in the back pasture. Have a few lawns to mow and mulch job today. Need me some coffee this morning before getting out there. Yall have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. It's 75 on its way to 90 and still very windy. Sic ...... I do have to be careful. I can only eat the fresh berries in moderation and if I do, I usually wash them down with a glass of metamucil :shocked: . My wife and the kids/grandkids eat a majority of them or they cook with them. We freeze gallon bags of berries and end up giving most away. Heading up to the city to finish the boat and plan to bring it home. Not much else is going on. Grilling and beverages this evening. 5 days until retirement. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Rain and hail yesterday, hope it’s dry enough to start working in the CG. This weather is like a broken record, maybe I’ll get a garden put in this summer.
Blackberries and black raspberries are the best, wish I had room to grow some. Our rhubarb is huge right now, I’ve been sharing with the CG gardeners for now, but may have to start freezing the stuff.
Have a great Memorial Day. Stay healthy and safe.
Good morning. Cooler here for a few days, lows in the 30/40’s. Not the best weather for peppers. Late planting later in the week. I’m hoping to visit a friend now that she’s moved to assisted living. Time for annual flower shopping.
Have a wonderful day. Stay healthy and hydrated.