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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's 62 on its way to 70. It's rained over 5" in the past 24 hours. Still raining this AM. The creeks and rivers are out of their banks and there's numerous road closures. The tomatoes are loving it. The peppers .... not so much :(. 3 more days until retirement. I wish it would hurry. Not much else is going on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 81F, on its way to 90F. High humidity and heat stroke warning. Awfully hot for June 1st. Supposed to cool off starting tomorrow. Grass needs cutting and garden needs working. Have a great Wednesday everybody!
Good morning. It's 56 on its way to 75. It appears the rain has ended for a few days. No idea how long it's going to be before things dry out! I need to mow! 2 days until retirement! Looks like they're having cake and stuff at work tomorrow morning. My garden is a tale of 2 cities. The tomatoes look awesome. The peppers are very unhappy with our weather situation .... I think I can hear them cuss at me when I walk by. I bought an Airtag for the wife's cat. Recently, the cat thinks she's free to head off our property anytime she wants. Now she can be tracked. Not much else is happening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 78F, on its way to 83F. Thunderstorms forecast for this afternoon. When I had two days left, you couldn't really call me an employee anymore lol. Got most of the grass cut yesterday. Hope to finish up this morning before it rains. Snakes sure have been prolific this year. Saw three just yesterday. 4 - 6 foot black snakes. They're "good" snakes, but I don't like seeing so many of them. Hope everybody has an awesome Thursday!
Good morning. It's 54 on its way to 80. It should be a nice day. I guess the weekend is supposed to be lousy with rain. Today is my last day on the job. I'm looking forward to weeks of 6 Saturdays and 1 Sunday! I'm going to try to get out of the office by mid afternoon today. I need to mow later this afternoon. The grandkids will be with us for the weekend. No doubt I'll be grilling something and having beverages this evening. My plan for the weekend is to work in the barn when it's raining and to work in the garden when it's not. I still have 5 or 6 tomato plants that I haven't been able to find a home for .... maybe I'll put them in containers on the walkout patio. I think they're paste tomatoes so most likely, their habit will be huge. We'll see. DR: I've seen some large black snakes on our gravel road but not on the property so far this year. I did see one large bull snake. Lots of small ones though. Have hit a few with the mower already this year :( . I really need to keep watching for turtles while I'm mowing. The water turtles are on the move and I'm just starting to see some box turtles. Not much else is going on. Be safe and be good.
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It's sunny and 65F on its way to 78F. It's finally cooled off a bit. Should be a pretty day. Today is carpet cleaning day at Mom's. Oh what fun. Hope to hit the garden later this afternoon. Congratulations Harry! Hope everybody has a great Friday. Good Morning!
Good morning and congrats to Harry. Your plans sound great for the summer, but you will be busier than imagined. Sunny with 70’s for temps today. We planted a lot at the CG yesterday and my body tells me to slow down. I’m hoping to finish there today. At home is another story. That garden will get planted in pieces. The deck people hope to finish tomorrow. Hope.
Have a wonderful day. Stay healthy and safe.
Good morning. It's sunny and 58F, on its way to 81F. Beautiful day. Got the carpet cleaned yesterday at Mom's - glad that's done. Also got some okra planted in the garden. Plan on spending a lot more time in the garden today. Need to finish planting peppers, plant beans and prep tomato rows. Sounds a little ambitious, but we'll see lol. Have a great Saturday everybody!
Good morning. It looks like a beautiful day ahead, with plans only for the garden(s). The deck people have at least 2 more days here and then summer can really begin. The cat is loving her time outside, trying to catch moths, etc.
Harry is now officially retired. Do you have any vacation plans? Bahamas, Alaska, Scotland?
Have a great day. Enjoy earth’s beauty.
Good morning. It's 63 on its way to 80. Rain is forecasted for this evening. Going to work on the boat today. Tomorrow is its maiden voyage. Got to plant those few remaining tomatoes too. @sic: Plenty on the to do list to keep me busy. @catheriew: We've got a few trips planned. New Braunfels, Texas and Sedona, Arizona. I expect we'll go to visit my sister in Colorado Springs sometime this summer. I need to get out something to grill this evening. Beverages later. Be safe and be good.
Morning all - thunder is still rumbling and I'm on emergency internet due to heavy storms yesterday.
I'm going to bite the bullet today and get rid of bonnets and aleppo that have refused to sprout - I hate doing this.
Not much planned for today - except watching MOTOGP - whooopppeeeee - and chilling out.
Good morning. It’s time to plant only a few of the superhots that aren’t as bedraggled as the majority. Never let a non- gardener take care of plants while you’re away. Don’t take a vacation during gardening or sprouting time unless you’re ready to face the consequences.
Have a great day. Stay healthy and safe.
Good morning. It's 65 on its way to 80. Rain is sitting just to the west. Might have to postpone the boat's shake down cruise. I would like to work in the garden too but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. I might work on fishing tackle. @catherinew: I also have my annual Canadian fishing trip. Not much else is going on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 65F on it's way to 77F. Another nice day. Got all the peppers planted yesterday, except a few stranglers. Bean rows/trellises are ready, now I have to FIND the bean seeds, lol. Didn't get the tomato rows prepped - maybe today or tomorrow. Might just chill today. Have a great Sunday everybody!