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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. Up early and watching the match. It's a chipper 45F (7C) on its way to 71F (22C). The hot coffee is hitting the spot. This is supposed to be the coldest day in the long-term forecast. We got close to 1/2" of rain yesterday. Lots of outside work to do this afternoon but first I'm watching the PL matches while sorting through some fishing tackle. Fixing a big a breakfast after that. Mowing this afternoon and getting stuff ready for the planting crew's arrival tomorrow. I'm taking a liking to having a planting crew. All I do is give a little instruction on sowing seeds and for the peppers plants, I place them in the beds where they need planted. Then I get out of the way and let city folks have at it. Got out some steaks to grill this evening. I might try a beverage or two this evening. Like the song says .... "half of me wants a beer .... the other half wants two"! The grand kiddos are here keeping Grandma busy. Be safe and be good.
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Good morning. It looks cold with the sun trying to peek through the clouds. ‘Air quality alert’ from the wildfires in Canada just popped on the screen. I’m planning on mixing a little dirt and planting flowers today. More rain this afternoon.
The reunion dinner was filled with German food and good memories. I miss seeing the rapeseed fields in bloom. They were a very intense yellow that we don’t grow here.
Nothing else is planned, though weeding is always an option with so much bindweed popping up everywhere.
Have a wonderful weekend. Stay healthy and safe.
Good morning. It's mostly sunny and 69F, on its way to 78F. Starting off a pretty day, but calling for clouds and a thunderstorm this afternoon. Ended up not doing much yesterday - just rested the back a bit. Hope to get outside and get a few things done before the rain - like cut the grass, ha. Then maybe a trip down to the garden. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there.
Good morning.

Looking for more license plates for Sic. Hopefully I get to the post box before they close. If not Monday. They are only open for a couple hours. I don’t know why they bother. They should only be open 5 days a week. To be honest 4 days a week is all they can afford. I’m surprised they are still in business. Billions of dollars in the red every year for the past 15 years. I may send it UPS.

Mixing some soil. Working on the lean too. Maybe go see a movie. Bbq or smoking in the works.

Have a great weekend.
@Harry_Dangler You could charge the city folks for planting up - call it a "gardening experience" :lol:
Probably could but it's friends and family. We're thinking about doing this several times a year. The crew would get to come out to the "country" to work in the garden. In return they'd get the experience, get to be outdoors, they'd get fresh and canned veggies and fruits (with instruction on what to do with them), we'd provide a meal (burgers, sausages, tacos, fish fry .... etc.) and all the beverages they can drink. We're thinking 2 times in the Spring for prep and plant out, 1 in the summer for the potato/beet/sweet corn/green bean/onion harvests and 1 in the early fall for apple picking and pepper roasting.
Morning all - Sunday is here
Not much planned for today except pottering in the garden, weather permitting - that NE wind is still with us and rain and thunderstorms forecast for later.
We've just uncovered the veggie patch, so my next job is to go and rake over, then feed.
Have a good Sunday - keep calm, cool, pain-free and smile :D regardless
Good morning. More afternoon rain, but I did get a few annuals potted, bindweed pulled, and roses chopped. Hubby mowed the green lawn, so all looks good until the rains stop. Wish I could send lots of our rain to OCD. I may even visit the CG later this afternoon, depending on the mud factor.
Have a wonderful Sunday. Stay safe and healthy.
Good morning. It's 53F on its way to 77F. Beautiful day with light winds. Our planting crew should be here mid morning. I've got the porch refrigerator fully stocked and my wife has prepped everything for a big fiesta meal later on. In a bit, heading out to place each of the plants in the beds where they will be planted. Also, placing seed packs in the beds that need sown. My wife is the project manager for this deal .... I'm there to provide heavy lifting and to instruct on the how to. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to the garden. My wife is not. Therefore, this whole thing is a bit stressful for me. Anyway, that should take up the rest of the day. Hope to watch some golf later on. I'm from Rochester and the PGA is being played at Oak Hill. Be safe and be good.
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Good morning. It's sunny and 66F, on its way to 77F. Beautiful day, and the forecast for the entire week ahead. Should be able to get lots done outside this week. Managed to get the grass cut yesterday before the showers moved in. Have a few errands to run today, then home and chill. Plan to watch the final round of golf later. Hope everybody has a restful and peaceful Sunday.
Good morning. Did yard work yesterday. My son helped. Looks good! I have the professional edger, weed trimmer, back pack blower and a good push mower. All for small front yard. But it looks good. Iris is blooming.
I have these clumps of decorative grass. I think red grass? And the other is maybe blue oat? Does anyone know when I can harvest the seeds on them? I would like to try and grow more if the stuff.

Maybe a movie today. I don’t watch much movies. I’m series guy. My ADHD doesn’t mix with full featured films.

Need to plant the rest of the stuff I’m keeping and sell the rest after I know everything has taken off. Need backups, just not 75 of them.

Sic, I’m glad you’ve got some rain. You need it.

Have a wonderful day.
Chuck I hear ya about watching movies. It can be taxing for sure trust and believe about that Otto movie. No one else has seen it? As far as your decorative grass goes, separate clumps of it and move it to where you want it. The seeds will be on top and look like grain when it goes to seed. All grass has different time lines when it does go to seed.
And here comes Monday again - the weekends fly by.
Managed to get the veggie plot uncovered yesterday, just needs some raking and hacking up of stubborn weeds.
Hopefully I'll get some planting done this week. That nasty old NE wind has dropped, thank goodness.
Amazing how my plant interest has dropped when I can't do anything outside because of the weather, I need to rediscover my pepper plants.
Work this p.m.
Have a good Monday - be calm, cool, pain-free and smile :D
Good morning. It's sunny and 47F, on its way to 77F. Another nice day. Supposed to be hazy due to smoke from the Canadian fires. Worked in the garden yesterday. Made some progress. Thinking about planting this Saturday. Have to keep an eye on the weather. Have some errands to run today, then back down to the garden this afternoon. Maybe Margarita Monday? We'll see. Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday, even if you don't have a margarita. Be safe out there.
Good morning. Monday again, coffee group, errands, neighbor’s dog, garden. Like Downriver, we’ve got smoke and fog from the Canadian fires, with rain and whatever predicted for the whole week. Guess I’ll get the seeds planted in the next few days. The plants can stay out for another week.
Have a wonderful day. Stay healthy and safe.
Good morning. It's 54F on its way to 80F. Should be a great day! The garden is 100% in! We've got that Canadian fire smoke streaming over us too. No rain in the long term forecast (for at least 2 weeks). Installed the irrigation system in the garden while the crew was planting. We should be good to go now. Not much going on today. About 45 minutes of office work and then I'm headed outside to do something. Probably mow after the dew burns off. Grilling this evening. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning.

Finally filled about 25 more containers. Got them soaking last night. Will plant some more plants today. I’ll fix the gate, paint some more pickets and install and mix some more soil.

I’m going to move the rest of the plants to the kitchen and take down the tent. Time to say my peace and move on from this relationship. “Really, It’s not you, it’s me.” LOL

Just drinking a cup of coffee, listening to all the birds and enjoying the morning sun with the Chile plants.

Son starts his first real job today. Proud of him.

Take care and enjoy the day.