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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's sunny and 48F, on its way to 82F. Forgot what chilly was like. Not sure I'm looking forward to it, but it is inevitable. Not to worry, 90's again starting tomorrow for over a week. The welder showed up and did his thing yesterday. Kubota is back in service. Ordered some spray paint to make her pretty again, ha. Made stuffed tomatoes and peppers for dinner last night. Took some over to Mom - it's one of her favorites. Need to run a few errands this morning, then work around the house. Hope everybody has a fun Friday. Be safe out there and hug somebody today.🙂
Good morning. Hot 97F and dry for 3 more days, so says WX. Picked a few tomatoes yesterday that were half red and green. I’m sure they’ll ripen OK. Dug and divided a neglected, huge iris at the CG. Need to do a few more . . . That was harder work than it should be. Gettin’ older.
Have a wonderful Friday. Hug a tree and deadhead some flowers.
Morning all, the weekend is here - days seem to be galloping along right now.
Thunderstorm and torrential rain overnight - typical after I watered everything yesterday.
It's the charity summer fair today, very wet underfoot and rain and storm forecast for all day - it's going to be fun fun fun regardless!
Oh and MotoGP qualifying this afternoon - I shall watch that on catch-up.
Have a good Saturday - keep dry and keep smiling :D
Good morning. It's sunny and 48F, on its way to 90F. Humidity 95%. This afternoon will be sticky. Watered the garden yesterday. Having the drip system installed sure makes that easier. Picked more tomatoes and pressure canned a batch of okra and tomatoes - one of my favorites. Today there are a few errands to run, then home to do some trimming around the house, unless the heat chases me inside. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there and do something fun.
Good morning. It's a chipper 57F on its way to 98F. It will be blazing hot later on today. Watching futbol and football. Heading to the match up in the city tonight. Harvested a couple beds of jalapenos after we got back from Omaha. Now I've got (2) five gallon buckets of pods to process. Lifetime supply of poppers! Good grief. Also, my wife harvested a bed of volunteer potatoes and probably got close to 20 lbs. Not much else going on today. I need to mow and trim but will probably push that to tomorrow. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Late morning. Got up early to water at the CG as we set a record for a high of 99F, predicted to return for another day or two. Harvested some red noodle beans and a few Christmas tomatoes as I saw 2 field mice that are just too smart for the traps. Dug up another huge clump of irises to clean, divide, and plant only 2 in that space. Made some peach roll ups in the dehydrator, they smell yummy.
Have a wonderful summer September day. Can’t wait for cooler weather.
Morning - Sunday has arrived and it's going to be +34C.
What do you do on a very hot Sunday, you go off on a rallye velo and picnic - what fun!
Just putting the picnic together and getting tyres pumped up and bikes checked over then we're off.
MotoGP when we get home in a sweaty, dusty, tired heap.
Have a good Sunday - keep calm, cool, smile and don't fall off your bike :D
Good morning. Tink, it sounds like your day will be filled with fun and dirt. Have a great picnic and rally.
Looks like a quiet day here, still putting off the flower deadhead adventure. I just read that we should leave that task until Spring so the birds can enjoy the seeds, etc. Sounds OK to me.
Have a peaceful Sunday. Enjoy the company of friends and family.
Good morning. It's sunny and 65F, on its way to 94F. Gonna be another toasty day. Yesterday's heat kept me inside. That was ok, I had some computer work to do anyway. Probably gonna lie low and chill today. Maybe binge something. Hope everybody has a peaceful and restful Sunday. Be safe out there and exercise wisely.
Good morning. It's 65F on its way to 100F. Sunny and hot. Great match last night and a super start to the college football season (for my school). I'm going to watch the matches this morning and then mow/trim this afternoon. My wife is out picking green beans again. I thought she was done with them :banghead: . Grilling and beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning and Happy Labor Day! It's 75F on its way to 100F. A repeat of yesterday ..... hot and breezy. Still haven't mowed or trimmed ... I need to do that today. My wife is back out in the garden harvesting pods and I'm doing some office work for a bit. Got some ribeyes out of the freezer for grilling this evening. Not much of anything else is going on. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 72F, on its way to 96F. 83% humidity and a Real Feel of 100F. Another sticky one. Ended up processing more cucumbers yesterday. Made spicy bread & butter pickles, and got halfway through a batch of cucumber relish. Ran out of onions, so to the grocery today. Then home and finish up. Probably just chill after that. Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there, and enjoy your harvests.