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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's cloudy and 68F, on its way to 86F. Humidity 80%. Chance of a thundershower this afternoon. The pork butt came out great yesterday. The beef ribs, meh. Today is errand day. Have several stops to make around town. Then we'll see how much of the day is left and go from there. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there and try to avoid the heat.
Afternoon all - Friday is here and the weather has broken at long last, it's actually chilly and damp out there - pheweeee
Work this a.m. and that was fun and games, lots of reactive dogs and a couple of category dogs to sort out.
And that's it for me for today, nap this p.m. last night was so hot and a mosquito was constantly buzzing about.
Have a good Friday, keep warm, cool, calm and smile :D (or drinks loads of alcohol)
One job this morning and giving a bid. Headed to a nursery after to pick up plants for a job on monday. Playing guitar this afternoon. I picked up the gear yesterday and wow! The guitar and Marshall combo amp literally play themselves, butter. Very pleased with my barter. Have a great day and good morning.
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Good morning. Wow, Sic. I can hear your music playing all the way to CO. Very nice barter.
We’re waiting for the weather to change later today, but for now the 90F temps are still around. CG garden chores this AM, lunch with the gals, home garden whatever, then enjoy the day.
Have a great Friday everyone. Enjoy your harvests. Stay cool.
Good morning. It's 80F on its way to 105F. RealFeel this afternoon of 110F. This should be the last day of excessive heat for at least a week. Rock on Sic!!!! I'm going to mow, sit in the kiddos pool and drink beer .... in that order. I roasted pods yesterday and my wife spent the afternoon peeling and freezing them. Nothing like the smell of roasted chilis in the house ..... yum. I don't think it's known if the kiddos will be here this weekend or not. Burritos poblanos this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning.

Nice gear bro. Just make sure you still send out bills with credit amount minus the work deducted every month. I did a similar deal, but I had a swimming pool business. It was only six month deal, and the customer argued and argued. Would not pay month 7 bill. Lost out on the money and dropped him as a customer. Simple math. Lol should have gave him actual copy of credit used. My fault.

We got slammed with rain last night. Over 3in in a a few hours. Thunder was insane. Kept shaking the house. Power outage. Flooded the streets. I have never seen that much water at once. All the streets were rivers. I could barely get home in my truck because I couldn’t see the road with all the rain splashing up.

Camping is canceled. Thunderstorms the next few days. Bummed. I may go hiking if my knee is good. Colorado Mycology Society says mushrooms are just starting to come up with all the rain we’ve had this summer. They say usually the mushroom season is over months ago in the high country. They are excited to go back into the woods. I won’t pick anything. I would just like to go out and do something new. Got a few books. I surround myself with hobbies. Gives me purpose. Purpose is important.

Have a great day and enjoy.
Good morning. It's overcast and 69F, on its way to 88F. Calling for heavy rain in the a.m., thunderstorms in the p.m. Sounds like we might get some water, but ya never know, ha. If it does rain, I guess I'll figure out something to do with the cukes and squash that's been picked. Ideas always welcomed. Nice dealio Sic. It's getting closer to hearing a song or two. Hope everybody has a freaky good Friday. Be safe out there and enjoy your friends and family.
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Good morning. The heatwave is over! A couple of morning showers and a few rumbles. Much cooler with a high of 82F. Watching this morning's matches followed by the Chiefs pre-season game. I'm going to the match up in the city tonight. Not much else is going on today. Our grand daughter is here. She's going to help grandma in the kitchen. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's mostly sunny and 73F, on its way to 89F. Humidity 90%. Last of the hot days, hopefully. That all day rain affair forecast for yesterday didn't happen. Not even a drop, lol. Probably need to water the garden today and then mow. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there and enjoy the cooler weather.
Good morning. Gloomy day with more rain predicted later in the day. We didn’t get the deluge of rain that OCD had, just a gentle all day rain. Plus a 25 degree difference in high temps. Today looks like a house cleaning day. Gotta get fired up for dusting the summer dirt away.
Glad to hear Harry’s heatwave is over for a few days. Enjoy the reprieve.
Have a super Saturday everyone. Enjoy this beautiful weather.
Morning all - Sunday is here and it's lovely and cool out there - so we've been out doing stuff in the garden.
harvested the apples and some onions, I did a load of hoe-ing and soil feeding ready for cabbages, we cut hazel branches for wigwams and generally tidied up. Just sat for coffee and a break.
I need to harvest most of the peppers and tomatoes this coming week and make cowboy candy - yeah!

@sicman nice kit, I'm so glad I don't live next to you :lol:

Have a peaceful day - keep cool, calm and collected and smile :D
Good morning. A little late getting up and going this morning. It's 65F on its way to 85F and cloudy. Another nice day. Watching some futbol and then who knows. Going to go through the freezer to look for a pork butt and whatever else I can find to smoke sometime this coming week. Beverages later on. Breakfast for dinner. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 73F, on its way to 83F. Calling for mostly cloudy and showers today. Went down to the garden and picked a few things. Still need to pick a lot of peppers, but just picked several more cucumbers and tomatoes that need to be processed. All this promise of rain, and not a drop. The garden is dry as a bone. Going down to water this morning. Then, on to the tomatoes and cukes. Hope everybody has a peaceful and restful Sunday. Be safe out there and relax.
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Good morning. Sunny and warmer, no rain yesterday so I could weed and do a few garden chores. Today we’re meeting up with the kids at the $$$$$ Monarch buffet to celebrate our anniversary. The food is always great, just too much. Back to chores tomorrow with jam on the docket, probably peach (ha ha) something.
Have a great day. Enjoy the time with family and friends.
Good morning.

I’m planning a hike Monday. Well it will be a walk down a trail. Can’t do any real hiking yet. Don’t care if it rains. Need to get away from civilization. I got a cool mycology book. It’s been a late season fro what I’ve read. Going to look for some new camping spots as well.

Puttering around the house today.

Have fun with your jam session,Sic.

Y’all have a good day
Morning all - Monday is here yet again and it's raining - damn! :lol:
So I'm making cakes for the charity shop first time I've turned the oven on for about 3 weeks.
Work this afternoon if the rain stops, if it doesn't stop then I'll be making cowboy candy - win/win situation.
And that's it for today.
Have a good Monday - keep calm, dry, cool and smile :D