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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's 77F on its way to 92F. Breezy and warm. Rain tonight and tomorrow morning. We need it. Running some errands and then stopping for lunch (I've got a hankerin' for chicken livers). No garden activities scheduled for today. Futzing this afternoon. I'll be grilling green chili cheese burgers this evening as well. Beverages will be flowing. Be safe and be good.
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Good morning and Happy Father's Day. It's 75F on its way to 94F. Maybe a few storms this morning .... otherwise windy and hot. Waiting until it dries out a bit and then mowing. Not much else is going on today. Probably just some futzing. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning and happy Father’s Day to all you dads. Another hot June day ahead, in the high 90’s. CG to meet someone, Sunday doings, then celebrate the holiday with family. It looks like a busy but quiet day.
Have a great day with family or friends. Take time for yourself and pets.
Good morning. It's 78F on its way to 93F. Mostly sunny, windy, humid and very warm. Trimming this morning. Probably do some garden weeding too. I might harvest the onions .... they're the size of baseballs. Futzing and sitting in the pool this afternoon. Maybe a haircut. Chipotle chicken this evening. Beverages too. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 77F, on its way to 90F (rf 98F). WX guessers say it's the beginning of an extended heat wave. Oh, Boy!! Back from the BBQ event. Won't be cooking BBQ anytime soon. I got my fill, lol. Today, I need to water the garden, and maybe work on the 20%. Probably not for too long though, with the forecasted heat. Then, I'll probably do a little futzing. Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there and drink plenty of water.
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Good morning. We were rudely awakened by the smoke alarm about 5am, with no clue why it went off (again and again). Maybe it needs new batteries? At least it works!
Cooler day to enjoy weeding, then the heat returns. WX says rain this week - hopefully no hail. Maybe we got enough last year.
Have a wonderful day. Enjoy Mother Nature and her changing seasons.
Good morning. It's 78F on its way to 92F. Partly sunny, windy, warm and humid. Yesterday, trimmed and after that, harvested onions. Set the trellis' for the cucumbers. While I was out there, I noticed (2) nice zucchini fruit that should be ready by Friday (seems early). The blackberries have turned red .... They'll be ripe soon. Still have a few weeds to pull out in the garden. Nothing much is going on today. Maybe a little office work but mostly futzing. Enchiladas and beverages this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 78F, on its way to 91F (rf 101). Another sticky one. Probably worked in the garden too long yesterday, but I paced myself. Watered everything, then worked on that 20%. Now, we're down to 15%, lol. Probably work on that 15% some this AM, then cut some grass this afternoon. We'll see. Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. It looks like most of us are in the 90's today. Be safe out there, and definitely stay hydrated.