Good morning. It's sunny and 73F, on its way to 90F. The heatwave continues, with several more days to go. Finally able to get corn in the ground yesterday. It's late to be planting corn, but it's an early variety, so it should work out. Whittled that 15% down to 10% as well. Now I'm 90% done. That sounds better, lol. Also sprayed a poison ivy patch with a recommended "homemade" solution. Vinegar, salt, and soap. I see a little wilting, but nothing exciting. I'll give it more time. Need to water today, and work on that last 10%, ha. Fourteen squash plants? Must have a market stand, lol. I don't start squash until July 1st, to miss the squash vine borer cycle. It has worked pretty well in past years, and we still get plenty of squash for the season. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there and respect the heat.