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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's 68F on its way to 85F. Maybe a morning shower. Not much going on today. One short business meeting this morning and then I'm off to run a few errands. After that, we're finishing off the garden weeding (for this week). I'm grilling a jalapeno cream cheese stuffed pork loin this evening and there will be some beverages consumed.

It's looking like an early harvest this year. I expect we'll have early tomatoes and some annuum pods by Independence Day. The plants are loaded. We also need to start thinking about processing and "putting up". Before we know it, we'll be inundated with harvests and way behind. The blackberries have set their fruit and the apple trees are loaded with quarter sized fruit. The beans and sweet corn are knee high. Before we know it, the harvest(s) will be upon us. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Friday has finally arrived, but my back is killing me. So I'm taking it as a sign to take it easy today. Dog walks are on the agenda for the day, along with reading, working on some Apple Motion projects, and getting ready for dinner with friends this evening.

Have a great day everyone. No felonies. Only misdemeanors.
Good morning. It's sunny and 65F, on its way to 81F. Breezy and less humid. Should be a really nice day. Futzed around yesterday, starting some seeds, emptying some pots, starting to put plant stuff away for next year. Today is garden day. Not sure how dry it is, but there's always something to do down there, ha. Hope everybody has a freaky good Friday. Be safe out there and enjoy playing in the dirt today.
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Good morning. It's 62F on its way to 90F. Sunny and breezy. Severe storms tonight. Futzing today. Working on fishing tackle. I might trim, do some weeding or get the irrigation system installed in the garden. Not in a rush to do any of it. Spaghetti this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Sunny, dry, 62-92F. I’m also e at the CG just watering and enjoying watching the birds. Lots of weeds to pull, but they can wait. Garlic scapes are beginning to show, so the harvest will be a bit later than usual. It’s just not CE to see plants beginning to pop up.
Have a wonderful day. Friday is finally here, and maybe some rain tonight - just no hail. 😀
Good morning. It's 69F on its way to 90F. Humid with times of clouds and sun. More T-Storms are forecasted for tonight. We got 1.75" from last night's T-Storms. Good for the garden. Today is mowing day. In a few minutes I need to run out and get fuel for the mower. I also need to stop by the farm store to get a spool of string for the trimmer. The boss and granddaughter are gonna work on weeding in the garden. Got a match up in KC tonight. Hopefully the rain holds off until after the match. That's about it. Be safe and be good.
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Good morning. The sun is shining brightly and it's 65F, on its way to 83F. Should be a pretty day. Got the drip system installed for the beans yesterday. Today, I hope to build the new section for the tomatoes. Still got that 25% left to do. The weeds are starting to take it over since the first tilling. Always something to do, ha. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there and keep on watering.
Good morning. 60-85F, still dry. We’re hoping for rain tonight, then back to dry. I’m hoping to plant a tray of annuals today for the neighbor while he’s away, as the heat this past week was too much. There’s also iris cleaning and pulling weeds out of the stones at home. For now, the CG is calling . . .
Have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the weather and flowers, though they fade for another year.
Good morning. It's 59F on its way to 80F. Not as warm with occasional light rain and maybe some thunder. Got another 1.25" of rain overnight and it's still raining. Got home late from the match and I'm moving a little slow this AM. Mowed and trimmed yesterday. Futzing today. Maybe I'll set the irrigation system in the garden after things dry out a bit this afternoon. Grilling strips this evening. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
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Good morning. It's sunny and 68F, on its way to 78F. Maybe a pop-up thunder-shower. Sounds like a pretty, Spring day. I'll take it. Finished mulching the peppers yesterday. Also started building the drip system for the tomatoes. Man, that's a slow process. But, once it's done, it's done. Hope to finish it today, and then maybe work on that remaining 25%. 😉 Hope everybody has a peaceful and restful Sunday. Be safe out there and hug a loved one.
Good morning. 55-82F w/sun for now. Yesterday was supposed to be our ‘wet’ day - 5 minutes of hail, 10 minutes of rain. Maybe tonight some rain will fall. It’s very comfortably cool with the wind, so much nicer than the 90s this past week. Planted a couple of sunflowers, a few more later. This round will be ‘pink’. I’m sure the squirrels will cut off the heads before they’re ready.
Have a wonderful Sunday. Thanks for your ending, Downriver. Make the day a bit brighter.
Good morning. It's 58F on its way to 83F. Sunny and pleasant. Dewpoint in the 50s this morning .... very nice. Looks like Spring ends this Wednesday. We're bracing for 90+ degree temperatures starting mid-week and running through the end of the summer. I've got one short meeting this morning and then I'm off to trim. After that, I think I'm going to fill the kid's pool. Futzing and beverages after that. Leftovers this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 63F, on its way to 78F. Another beautiful day. Finished the drip system for the tomatoes yesterday. Works great. Started prepping for tilling the last 25% by digging out all the Johnson grass by the roots. I hate Johnson grass. Today is errand day. After that, we're heading over to Mom's. My sister is in town visiting. Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there and enjoy time with your family.
Good morning. It's sunny and 63F, on its way to 78F. Another beautiful day. Finished the drip system for the tomatoes yesterday. Works great. Started prepping for tilling the last 25% by digging out all the Johnson grass by the roots. I hate Johnson grass. Today is errand day. After that, we're heading over to Mom's. My sister is in town visiting. Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there and enjoy time with your family.
Johnson grass ..... pretty invasive stuff. I've got some in my pasture. The only redeeming thing about it is that the cattle will eat it.