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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's 78F on its way to 100F (RF 115F). It's crazy humid and hot. We are under an excessive heat warning for the next few days. I didn't mow yesterday ..... I need to do it today. First, I need to get fuel for the mower but need to wait until some of the other stores in town open up so I can get some more canning stuff (so I only need to make one trip). After mowing, I need to harvest tomatoes and cucumbers again. My wife said she's gonna harvest pepper pods this morning while I'm out mowing. Futzing and sitting in the pool after that. Back to zucchini casserole this evening. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 75F, on its way to 88F. Calling for showers and a t-storm later this afternoon. That's ok by me. Installed the new e-fence charger yesterday. Says it needs 3 days to charge before use. Yeah, right. That puppy got turned on when we were done for the day, lol. Didn't plant anything in the raised beds yesterday. Maybe today, ha. Other than that, futzing tops the list. Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. Be safe out there and drink lots.
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Its wednesday so its my day off, full day of mowing including mine and sharpening and changing blades. this whole taking wednesdays off has been a total rip off this season. Going to try and play some geetar this afternoon and sip on some wine. Yall have a good one and good morning.
Good morning. It's 80F on its way to 100F (RF112F). Another hot one. Mowed yesterday and harvested a ton more stuff. I need to trim today. My wife is taking 6 large fruit boxes of tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans and jalapenos up to our daughter's work. Some is for her but most are give aways for the people at her work. I'm contemplating setting up my veg stand (an old truck) at the end of driveway. I've done it before ..... all on the honor system. Never had a problem and made some beer money. Not doing much else today. It's crazy hot. I might sit in the pool and have a few beverages. Chilaquiles this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 75F, on its way to 96F (RF 100F). Got a little rain yesterday, but not much. Still need to water the garden today. Probably futz around down there this morning, then up to the house and futz some more, ha. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there and dodge the heat the best you can.
Good afternoon. We had the windows closed last night because of the heat and the smoke from the wildfires. The fires are getting closer to us and making the air quite difficult to breathe. CG for watering this AM and digging up only 1 huge clump of iris. Many more are on the agenda to dig.
Time for a late lunch after the iris are done. We have landscapers next door that are installing flagstone. They said we could have any leftover scraps that I can use for 'markers' between my iris clumps. Nice of them to do that.
July will soon be over - yay. Take the heat with you.
Have a great day. Stay cool and comfortable.
Good morning. It's 71F on its way to 96F (RF 104F). Had some storms blow through last night .... got 1/2" and it doesn't look like there's any storm damage. I guess folks to our north got hit real bad. Nice cool-down from past couple of days. Yesterday, it was so hot, dusty and smokey that it was difficult to breath. Trimmed the property and harvested tomatoes yesterday. Not doing much today. Taking the wife's buggy in for routine maintenance this morning. Probably catch some lunch and run a few errands while we're out. Futzing this afternoon. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Welcome August. Power outage yesterday so some of the clocks were wrong. The sprinkler system is totally off. We now have 4 wildfires closer to us, I don’t envy the firefighters. It looks like another day in the 90’s, with no rain for awhile.
Be careful out in the storm, Sic. Let us know how your weather is.
Enjoy your day as best you can. Stay hydrated and keep water available for pets and wildlife.
Good morning. It's sunny and 74F, on its way to 94F (RF 102F). Humidity is bad. Watered the garden yesterday, installed a cucumber trellis, and planted Fall carrots. Plan on some miscellaneous outside futzing today. E-fence seemed to have kept the deer out. Now, we're just back to tree-rat damage.🙄 Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there and watch out for that heat.
Got out early and did blade sharpening and mowed my lawn as I did not feel like it yesterday afternoon. Then went and mowed Doctor Bens. Catherine our weather is normal, I dont know anything about a storm but that dont mean one isnt brewing. The next two months is our real hurricane season. Lady at the deli today told me I had pretty eyes and asked how my day was going so Im not going to live that down with the wife for a couple days,lol. Those fires are terrible, what a loser dude is. Hope they stay away from you Jane. Yall have a good evening. Fixin to pick and sip then have brisket salad. As im typing the sky is rumbling, maybe I should check the weather,lol.
Good morning. 100F yesterday with smoky air everywhere. CG watering, digging iris, and harvesting broccoli, one head at a time - hubby will not be happy with more than that as the freezer is still quite full. Maybe beets will be big enough to pick (?).
Have a great Friday, take time for you pets, and stay hydrated. Don’t work too hard in this heat.
Good morning and what a glorious morning it is! The past few days have been brutal. Today is different. It's only 72F on its way to 94F with low humidity! Finally! It will be short lived though. Today, we're giving more produce away to my sister .... maybe 8-10 large flats. It will totally fill the back end of her vehicle. I have no idea what see does with it all. She doesn't can! I need to pick tomatoes and cucumbers today. I also saw a couple of real nice looking orange bell peppers out there that I should pick. Nothing much else is going on. Futzing the rest of the day. More BLTs this evening. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 79F, on its way to 95F (RF 102F). Another toasty kinda day. Typical Summer forecast - "a couple of afternoon showers and a heavy thunderstorm possible". 86% chance, just like yesterday. Never saw a drop, ha. Picked tomatoes yesterday. Need to process today. Also need to water. That'll probably keep us busy. Oh, by the way, never have a WAT and throw a 10lb butt on the smoker at 1pm. 11 hours later, it was done, and so was I, lol. Pulled pork for dinner tonight! Hope everybody has a freaky good Friday. Be safe out there and drink, drink, and drink some more!
Good morning. Hot temps still, with an orange sunrise. Going up to the CG for more beets and another iris clump. Then it’s pickling the beets and enjoying the day. We tried a new(er) BBQ place closer to home last night. It was OK, but the family loved it. The restaurant was quite busy with Friday nighters.
Have a wonderful weekend. Stay cool and hydrated. Hugs to your pets.
Good morning. It'sunny and 77F, on its way to 85F. Calling for showers and thunderstorms late. Cooler today will be nice. Ended up processing tomatoes and collecting seeds yesterday. Also finished processing previously fermented seeds. Time-consuming task. Today is watering day. Not sure what else. Probably some futzing while I'm down there. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there and enjoy the day.
Good morning. It's 69F on its way to 94F. Mostly sunny and pleasant. Sic .... looks like rain. One of my sisters is in FL (not sure where but I'm thinking SRQ) for a wedding. She texted me the WX forecast. Have fun!
You guys getting cute with the BBQ :P! BBQ sounds great ..... I might have to get cute with that tomorrow. Already got out some steaks for cute grilling this evening.
Yesterday, my sister came over and filled the back of her Explorer (seats down) with produce. Not sure what she's going to do with it all.
Today, my wife and I are processing tomatoes, cucumbers and onions. This seems like a never-ending job. We should make a significant dent into the inventory that we have left .... so by early next week, we can start all over again. Other than processing, there will be futzing. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. WX says 100F today. Hope it’s the end of that number. Pickling beets, staying inside w/the heat and smoky air. Maybe we’ll watch a bit of Olympics or a movie. It’s a Just Chill day with lots of heat.
Enjoy your day. Be careful with that hurricane Debby soon upon you, Sic and Sonya.