The snow accumulation amounts keep changing for us. We're in the 6-10" zone now. It's 1330 Central and I shoveled at least 5" of snow and sleet off of the driveway pad and walkways. It wasn't too heavy. It's a full-scale blizzard out there right now. Visibility is down to nothing. I bet we get at least 10" since we've got 4-5 hours of heavy snow ahead of us. Just to the north of us 10-15 miles, they're getting significantly more accumulation. My buddy in central Missouri is expecting at least 15" from this storm.Good morning. It's sunny and 15F, on its way to 35F. Harry's snow is headed this way. Supposed to start tonight, and snow all day tomorrow. WX Guessers say 6" - 12". I vote for 6". I'll do a little prepping for the snow today, then hunker down with the rest of you (figuratively, lol). I'm thinking either chili or soup for dinner. Gonna watch some NFL later on. How much snow are they guessing for you, Harry? Hope everybody has a safe, peaceful, and restful Sunday. If you've gotta go out, travel slowly.
DR: I was able to shovel enough to get the trucks out. No problem from then on. The driveway pad, the walkways and the entire length of the driveway are done now. Just waiting for it to melt. That might be awhile!Good morning. It's snowing and 25F (RF 17F), on its way to nowhere. Looks to be about 6" so far, calling for another 4-8" this afternoon. I MIGHT move some snow around later....but probably not, ha. We're not planning on going anywhere anytime soon, and if we need to, the truck has 4x4, lol. Probably futz around today. Might spend some time straightening up the grow room, and/or playing with seeds. Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there, and enjoy the snow. Oh, and Harry,, lol.
Couldn't find the kiddos saucers. The boss thinks we let them take them home.Nah. We want pics of sledding.