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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning!
Got a pile of letters today. Wanna know why healthcare is so fekkin' 'spensive? They send a separate letter for just about every sentence they want to send you...
HEY! Ticker's good. They say I have the heart and circulatory system of a 57 year old. Yes, my doc has a really odd sense of humor. I'm 57...
My lab results are all well within normal....except ferritin, which is 5 times normal.
...That's liver/pancreas territory. The oncologist is supposed to call.
So far, so good though.
That is great news and good luck Eric.
Got a friend coming over so she can be around our animals and learn a few basic shores. This will allow us to have a house sitter so we can start doing small bike packing trips. Then I'm going to go get a few miles on the bent in, still cant return my water bottle without stoping,lol. Have a great day. Lets try our best to walk with a gentle soul and good morning.
Good morning everyone. Today is my son's birthday so we'll,be celebrating with Indian/Sherpa cuisine. He's my partner in chile so we'll,see which ones he wants to grow this year. He loves the whites. Chuck was very nice to send crossed pepper seeds, so I'll try some of them for flavor. Thanks again, Chuck.
Nice to hear Eric's health is looking better. The liver/pancreas numbers need help, but I'm sure those can be helped.

Enjoy your day and share a smile.

Good morning. Friday is here. I start to feel lazy this time of the week. Have to work another Saturday. Not very ambitious. I need to get plants potted up. No time. It's bugging me. I told my boss no more Saturdays for awhile. I don't mind the money, but had one day off this weekend and have to work tomorrow to make it up. Can't neglect the plants this early in the game. I'll have to break out the flood lamps after work today.

Have a great day.

Your welcome Jane. Hope you grow something you like. Hope you and your family had a great day yesterday. I bet the food was amazing. I love that stuff.