good morning everyone
catherinew said:
Such beautiful garlic! GIP - gardening is all about sharing

. I just hope he/she has a wonderful garlic harvest like you did.
I haven't planted any garlic yet this year because of the weather . . . maybe this weekend. We have used so much already in pickling and dehydrating. Hopefully I have enough to plant!!!
we had soggy wet cold weather and more predicted for so long i was wondering if i was going to get a chance to get out there and plant garlic myself before the ground gets too cold up here...
When i was breaking up the remaining heads for planting i asked the wife where's the elephant garlic

apparently we ate it all

oops. Guess only the red garlic and shallots this year in that bed
it's 46f/8c right now, and supposed to get up to 63/17
arrrgh if i hadn't stripped my plants of all their pods and cut them way back i could still have ripening pods on plants right now like i did last year

oh well, i got plenty of pods this year, and have a full freezer of vac sealed peppers and fruit from this season. plenty for my saucing experiments all winter
Was great to see a couple of you from here in the morning thread participate in the pumpkin Throwdown

Excellent pumpkin dish entries from Wiri Wiri, and Dragonsfire, as well as the other entries.
Nothing on the plans here for the rest of the day except playing with the fur babies

pet runs already done, only one driver on for the rest of the day for a couple guests going home this afternoon.
got a pork shoulder in the crockpot for carnitas tacos tonight
hope you all have a wonderful day

and be excellent to each other