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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning.  It's 44 on its way to 49.  Raw, chilly and rainy.  Both grandkids are here.  Not much relaxing going on.  Not sure what we've got going today.  I've got to label and box pods this afternoon and I need to do some seed processing.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. Cloudy, looking for moisture but that’s a stretch. I finished planting garlic and delivering much of the carrots, tomatoes, and broccoli still lingering at home. Today is a virtual funeral service for a dear iris lady. There’s a new wildfire near family in the mtns. They are packed for evacuation but hope for the best.

Stay safe and healthy. My friend is making masks for me from material I gave her. Can’t wait to see them.
Good morning.  It's 42 on its way to 48.  Yesterday, we had to turn the heat back on.  It's chilly out there.  Busy meeting schedule today.  My wife is making a post office run this morning.  Not sure what else is going today.  The virus cases are skyrocketing in the KC metro.  It's time to hunker down for a week.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. Cloudy and cooler. The mountain fires got a bit of moisture but another fire popped up close to family. I’ve invited them down if need be, but we just hope for moisture. Weather reports point to Sunday and Monday for snow. Usual Monday errands today, nothing much planned. They’re suggesting stay-at-home activities for 2 weeks until the virus numbers slow down.

I hope you have an enjoyable day. Stay safe and healthy.
never made it to the shop yesterday, had lots of stuff going on. Very easy ride with the wife and a buddy this morning, Wife has a doctor appointment later and I need to pick and ship some peppers.  Im predicting a big lockdown coming? Oh well, Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning.  It's 41 on its way to 57.  Looking at the WX forecast, Thursday it's supposed to get to 83 and then Friday's high is 47.  Crazy.  Busy schedule today.  Not sure what we've got going on later.  I can see a lockdown coming as well.  Some places in Kansas are now leading the nation in % of new virus cases per population.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. There’s a cold front coming on Thursday so I’m mulching the garlic today now that a few leaves have been gathered. I’m taking a friend to the hospital for an outpatient procedure. Hubby and another ‘gardener’ are driving to get more alpaca poo. Busy day planned, but still isolated. You guys are right about a lockdown or similar to a stay-at-home order. Some of us are not ‘getting it’.

I hope you have a wonderful day. Keep busy and stay healthy.
Good morning.  It's 47 on its way to 60.  Busy meeting schedule today.  My wife is planting GIP's garlic today.  Not sure what else we've got going on.  My sister's husband was exposed to the virus and my sister has been over here almost every day (she lives just a road over).  I'm going to shut down the farm for awhile.  I'm sure my wife won't like it.  Be safe and be good.  
picking and shipping peppers then not much else.  really want the weather to break and do some camping before campground gets shut down. Might just set up the van in the party pasture and camp there? really want to get up to TN real quick also. yall have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. The guys are hopefully driving to get the poo this AM before the cold returns. It’s predicted to be in the teens at night for a few days. Think I’ll put another blanket on the bed. Maybe this cold will slow down the wildfires.

I hope you all have a wonderful day. Stay healthy and be careful around others.
wife and I are going to ride our bikes to Dunkin Donuts for a coffee and be bop threw town. Need to mow today or tomorrow. Nothing really else going on. We have been doing lots of stretching in the evenings. Its helping both of us  tighten and lean up. So more of that. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning.  It's 57 on its way to 85.  Very foggy this morning and they're saying that it will be very windy starting mid morning.  A cold front will come through this evening and tomorrow's high is 45 with rain.  I'm quarantining for awhile.  My wife says she's going to tear out the last of the plants in garden today.  Not sure what is else going on.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. Today’s fog starts the cold weather on the way. I’m going to mulch the carrots still in the ground as I have tooooo many already in the fridge. I’ll have a few cold days ahead to use them somewhere, thinking carrot cake and/or pickled carrots?

Have a great day in your neck of the woods. We’re all hoping for lots of moisture coming out of this cold front. Stay healthy and wear those masks.
Mowing our yard and another today. headed up to the shop this afternoon. Just chilling with my beautiful bride all day ,good times. Bless up and have a wonderful day. Good morning.
Good morning.  Big time WX change here from yesterday to today.  It's 38 on its way to 45.  Thunderstorms in progress.  28 tonight.  I got the lawn mowed yesterday afternoon. I had to hustle to get it done before it got dark!  Hopefully it's the last time this year.  Light meeting schedule today.  I'm planning on working to no later than noon today.  I've got seeds to process/package this weekend .... maybe 20 varieties and then I'm done :party: .  The WX is supposed to be crap so I'm not sure what else we've got going on.  I told my wife I'd go and pickup whatever food she wants for her birthday (Sat) but we're not going to a sit down restaurant.  :neutral:  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. 21*F and Really chilly. The plans are to make applesauce with an older gal since someone gave her apples. She won’t leave her house so I’m taking the Squeezo and soup pots to her house. It should be an interesting time. I pickled carrots using Cowboy Candy syrup instead of just vinegar - another experiment. Happy Birthday to Harry’s wife on Sunday - my hubby’s birthday is the day after hers . We have no plans for celebrating yet, though it will be an extremely cold day hopefully with snow.

I hope you all have a wonderful day. Stay safe and wear those masks.
hope yalls spouses have great birthdays. Not doing much today besides hanging with my wife. need to start reorganizing my tools in the barn. Its going to be a pain in the rear,not sure when ill start that? Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning.  It's a brisk 35 on its way to 38 and the wind is howling.  My wife decided she wants BBQ for her birthday.  KSU vs. KU football watching today.  Got all but 2 varieties of pepper seed processed yesterday.  I'll finish those up next weekend.  Got furniture cushions to bring in and firewood to split too.  Poppers and adult beverages this evening.  Might spend some time in the hot tub too.  Be safe and be good.  