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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's overcast and 70F, on its way to 82F. Rain and thunderstorms on tap for today. More tomatoes planted yesterday. Almost done. Then, on to peppers, ha. Probably not much going on outside today, because of all the rain. Futzing day, most likely. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there and dodge the raindrops.
Good morning. 46-75F, nighttime temps getting there. Hope to get in a couple hours of gardening before going up the hill for buffet lunch. Then the day will be wasted.
I’m hoping to plant beets and maybe broccoli tomorrow at the CG if it’s not too muddy. At least it’s not raining yet.
Have a great Thursday. Talk to your plants and give them an extra boost. A few of mine dropped in the cold. Stay hydrated and healthy.
Good morning. It's overcast and drizzling, 63F, heading to 78F. Calling for showers this morning, thunderstorm this afternoon. Yesterday, the rain held off long enough to finish getting all the tomatoes planted. Yay. Peppers next. With everything being wet, probably no digging today. That's ok. Still plenty to do, like mulch the rows, install drip system, etc. Depends on today's weather. Otherwise, futzing in the house, I guess. Fried kielbasa and cabbage skillet tonight. Hope everybody has a freaky good Friday. Be safe out there and enjoy the day.
Good morning. It's 72F on its way to 80F. Cloudy with T-Storms around. Almost finished the landscape cleanup. Got a few more hours to go. It's taken much longer than I thought it would. Probably just futzing around today. The grand kiddos will be here this afternoon. Pizza this evening. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. 40-68F and windy. Chuck, the buffet was great, I had a few extra shrimp just to honor you. 😀. DOT is building a bike, hiker path along Clear Creek so there’s lots of construction. Hopefully it will be finished by the end of the year.
Planted a few broccoli, cauliflower last night, maybe some seeds today. WX looks like maybe June 1 for tomatoes, later for beans. It’s just good to be planting something.
Enjoy your Friday, stay hydrated, send some light showers out West, Downriver. Sounds like it’ll be a hot summer.
Good morning. It's 51F on its way to 84F. It should be a nice day. Tonight, we are forecasted to have a particularly dangerous WX situation. Severe storms (with wind, hail, tornadoes, flash flooding) are supposed to roll in around midnight. We'll need to keep an eye on that. I am sore from landscape cleanup, but I'm still not done. I still have lilacs, boxwoods and weigela to shape up but they should be easy. Watching the FA Cup final this morning. Probably futzing this afternoon. BBQ this evening. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 62F, on its way to 83F. Calling for cloudy and a heavy thunderstorm this afternoon. The t-storm they predicted yesterday did, indeed, show up. Rained cats and dogs for a few hours. Got another 1" of rain, or so. Didn't get anything done in the garden. Maybe we'll make some progress today, before the next storm. If not, there's always golf to watch, lol. No beans in the ground here yet either, Catherine. Soon though. Weber-burgers tonight. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there and enjoy the long weekend!
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Good morning. 48/72F, though the temp dipped to 40 with the wind. Planted a few seeds at the CG, mostly helping the new(er) guy that has the enthusiasm to get everything done right now. At home, hubby drilled a few holes for tomatoes with the noisy Mantis so I can get something done here besides pulling weeds. Lunch with the girls, then play in the garden.
Have a great weekend. Enjoy friends and family. Take time for yourself.
Good morning. It's 62F on its way to 80F. Cloudy. Storms came through last night but they were no way as severe as the WX prognosticators had predicted (at least here .... which may be a good thing). They pretty much swung-n-missed on the forecast. They were forecasting 2-4" of rain and 70 mph winds. We got 0.6" of rain and one wind gust that topped 50 mph. Did a drive around the property and everything looks OK. Anyway, not much planned for today. Grilling salmon later on. Beverages will be consumed. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. 45-72F w/a bit of rain, nothing like in KS. Not sure what’s going on today, maybe plant or get stuff ready. Gotta get hail protection for the ‘maters for sure. Hail seems inevitable these past years.
Enjoy your Sunday. Make someone’s day a bit brighter.
Good morning. It's sunny and 70F, on its way to 84F (RF 93F). Mostly sunny and humid, with a possible t-storm this afternoon. Might be ok. Managed to get the grass cut yesterday. Started prepping rows to plant peppers, but got rained out. Maybe plant some later this after noon. OR, might just watch some golf and chill, lol. Hope everybody has a peaceful and restful Sunday. Be safe out there and enjoy the outdoors.
Went and picked up a old and heavy birdbath from a customer this morning. They gave it to the wife, she is going to paint it and put it in our yard. Im headed up to Guitar Center to buy a recording device so I can quit forgetting any good idea I come up with,lol. They have a sale going on and its the same price as on amazon so I might as well have it now. Chilling and playing guitar with some beverages this afternoon. Chicken for dinner. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 64F, on its way to 78F. Cooler, with showers and thunderstorms all day. Was able to plant a couple row of peppers late yesterday, just in time for an evening thunderstorm. With this forecast, it sounds like an indoor futz day to me. Hope everybody has a nice Memorial Day. Take a moment to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Be safe out there and try to stay dry.
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Good morning. 47-77F, a day to remember who gave their lives so our country can be the best we can be. Hopefully I will plant a few tomatoes at the CG as they are getting as antsy as I am. Mother Nature isn’t always cooperative. Steaks on the grill, family here. A friend is coming over to pick up lots of plants.
Have a wonderful Memorial Day. Thank a vet, stay healthy and hydrated.
Good morning and Happy Memorial Day. It's 61F on its way to 81F. It should be pleasant with lots of sunshine, light winds and NO STORMS! Got 3 jobs to complete today. I need to finish the landscape cleanup, trim around the house and then run down to the cemetery to trim around my folk's graves. I think that should keep me busy until early afternoon. My straggler plants are on their final day of hardening and I'm planning on getting them in the ground tomorrow. I've also got 5 nice sized Lemon Spice jalapeno plants set aside for a buddy. Got out some steaks to grill this evening. Might try to catch a ballgame on TV this afternoon. Probably have a few beverages. That's about it. Be safe and be good.
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