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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's sunny and 62F, on its way to 79F. Should be a beautiful day. Yesterday was indeed a futz day, capped off with Margarita Monday. So, I'm running a little slow this morning, lol. Planning on spending the day outside. Probably too wet to plant anything, but there's always something to do out there. Sic, you need to slow it down a little bit. Looks like you did triple the work yesterday. ;) Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
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Good morning. 47-77F or thereabouts. Spent much of the day outside either planting or enjoying being outside. We grilled steaks, they went bowling while I took a well deserved nap. Back to planting this AM. More visitors this afternoon picking up ‘leftover’ plants.
Enjoy your day. Summer is indeed here with so much more to plant in the garden or in pots. Take time for others.
Good morning. It's 52F on its way to 84F. Sunny. Yesterday, I finally got the landscape cleanup completed around the exterior of the house. That took much longer than expected and I am very stiff and sore. Today, I am going to get our straggler plants in the ground and our giveaway plants packaged up. After that, I'm going to trim followed by landscape cleanup around the garden shed. I also need to get the cucumber trellis' set. That should be plenty for today. Not sure what's on this evening's menu. Beverages this afternoon/evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. 50-84F, with the birds chirping away. CG seed planting today, coffee group, then starting on the home garden. The iris have just about faded into obscurity, but they were beautiful for May.
Enjoy your day, stay hydrated in the heat. Take time for sore muscles.
Good morning. It's sunny and 62F, on its way to 72F. Sunny this morning, chance of rain/t-storms this afternoon. Spent some time in the garden yesterday. Cleared two raised beds, in prep for planting today. Also started re-installing the drip system for one side of the garden. Plan on more of the same today, plus plant some peppers! Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there and don't overdo it.
Good morning. It's 65F on its way to 83F. Sunny. Planted the last of the straggler pepper plants (Qty 27) yesterday. The garden is full. I gave away another dozen plants. I've got one runt orange bell pepper plant that has survived against all odds and I've taken a liking to. I'll nurse it up and plant it in a pot somewhere. Not much on today's agenda. I'd like to burn off the brush pile but it might be a tad too breezy. I didn't get to the trimming yesterday and will probably do it today. I also need to get our irrigation system installed but that will probably have to wait for another day. Match up in KC tonight. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 60F, on its way to 72F. Another pretty day. Got the peppers planted in the two raised beds yesterday. That's mostly it for peppers. Yay. Still a few stragglers trying to catch up. Have a few errands this morning, then the Safelite people will be here to replace the windshield in the truck. It just started to crack one day. With the hot/cold temperature changes, it has slowly progressed across half the windshield. Hope this goes well, lol. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
Good morning. 51-80F, and I will finish planting at the CG and start adding bags of l aves for mulch. At least that’s the plan. Then maybe I can begin planting at home and finish on June 1. The weather has been a roller coaster everywhere, hopefully the farmers can recover.
Enjoy your day, take time for yourself, and talk to your plants. Stay hydrated when the heat sets in.
Good morning. It's 65F on its way to 83F. Cloudy, breezy with a chance of T-Storms this evening. Yesterday, I burned off the brush pile. That's always a little scary. It creates its own WX for awhile :rolleyes:. Those of you that burn understand. I also mowed and trimmed. The garden is full .... it would be tough to "shoe horn" anything else in. Today, I've got one business meeting in the morning and then I'm headed outside to clean up the landscaping around the garden shed. After that, futzing. Meatball subs this evening. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
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Well, my father passed. Monday night he drowned in a hotel pool. My mother couldnt get him out and had to leave and go get help. He was revived 5 times then was in hospital for a day brain dead. Yesterday they turned his pacemaker off. Have no idea when a funeral will be but we will be travelling to TN at some point. Luckily mom has to kids there with her. Just chilling today waiting to hear any news. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. Sic, I am so sorry to hear about your tragedy. Many heartfelt prayers sent to you as losing a loved one can affect you for a very long time. ❤️

Today is the end of May, a very turbulent time in our country’s weather patterns. Here’s hope for all the farmers, gardeners who grow our food.

Take time for yourself and know better days are ahead. Stay strong and healthy.
Sic, I'm sorry to read of your Father's passing. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.:pray:

Good morning. It's partly sunny and 51F, on its way to 73F. Should be a pretty day. Nothing done yesterday, except waiting for the windshield guy to show up. He finally did, and that task is done. Just hope it doesn't leak! Today there are many errands to run, then a visit with Mom this afternoon. Maybe garden work late in the day. We'll see. Hope everybody has a freaky good Friday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
Good morning. It's 67F on its way to 76F. Much cooler, cloudy with some off/on showers. Mostly off I think. We sure could use some rain. The local WX people have been struggling for the past couple of weeks. They've swung-n-missed on several forecasts where they've called for WX impacts that have not materialized. Indeed it is a turbulent WX pattern and it all comes together here in the middle!
Sic ... sorry for your loss.
Yesterday, I completed all of the landscape cleanup and the garden is completely in (no more seedlings nor straggler plants around here). I am now caught up. I did notice the bush beans are ankle high. Today my calendar is open and I have no work requests from the home boss. Probably run a few errands and then futz.
Once the WX clears I need to start cleaning up the iris and peony beds. Green chili cheese burgers and poppers this evening. Beverages before, during and after. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 51F, on its way to 81F. Beautiful day on tap. Finished planting peppers yesterday. Yay. Still a few stragglers, but that's ok. Also netted the blueberries. Did the first picking, then took to Mom. She was tickled. Today is trim mowing, weed-whacking. Then, down to the garden and back to row prep. I still have 25% left to do. :eek: Safe travels, Sic. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there and play in the dirt!
Good morning. 52-80F, I’m off to water at the CG for those out of town. Daughter and a friend are coming early to ‘help’ with gardening. Now to think of projects for them to do. Neither are really gardeners, so we will start kind of slow (?).
Happy June, and all the erratic weather that goes with it.
Have a great day. Stay happy and healthy. Safe travels for those on vacation. Hugs to Sic and family.
Good morning. It's 65F on its way to 83F. Cloudy, pleasant and warmer. Didn't do much outside yesterday as it rained most of the day. Looks like we got ~3/4" in the rain gauge. It was a nice gentle rain ..... perfect for the garden. The garden really perked up from the rain. We ended up planting out 45 pepper plants and 24 tomato plants this year .... a significant reduction from the past few years. Hopefully it's a bit more manageable. Today my wife and I are off to the Dinner Theater (matinee show) up in KC .... It's her Mother's Day gift. Later this afternoon, I'll be futzing with fishing tackle. Fish fry tonight and watching the match. Beverages will be flowing. Safe travels to Sic et. all. Happy thoughts to all and be good. S.M.I.L.E.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 63F, on its way to 73F. Calling for a few showers. Finished mulching and caging tomatoes yesterday. Started on mulching peppers. Prepped four bean trellises. Hope to plant seeds today before the rain. Hope everybody has a restful and peaceful Sunday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
Good morning. 54-88F. Yesterday I had two wonderful gals plant my peppers in pots while I started cleaning up iris. Lots more of that to do. Today family is coming down to ‘help’ so I’ll put them to work for an hour. Not used to being a supervisor. The flea beetles have returned, chomping on the tomato plants. Will take care of that today.
Have a great June day. Enjoy the sunshine and the rain on your beautiful gardens.