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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Welcome to the group Boomslang. Got a lot done again last evening at the clean up job. Unearthed a room that hasnt been seen in a decade. Crazy! Found a walkway and started clearing plants and bushes and a door appeared. Headed to Flatwoods for a bike ride then running a couple errands. Going to sip some wine and play geetar this afternoon. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. It's sunny and 48F, on its way to 80F. Another pretty day. Looks like 90s are done for this year, according to the forecast. Well, I still didn't chip/shred those branches yet. Cut most of the grass though, and picked peppers off of several plants. Many more await. Probably won't get much done outside today. We've got errands to run, plus today is my Mom's birthday. We'll be heading over there this afternoon to visit, then taking her out to dinner tonight. Hope everybody has a freaky good Friday. Be safe out there and enjoy friends and family.
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Good morning. 54-86F, the temps are creeping to the 90’s again. Busy Saturday in the kitchen and home garden digging out older plants, making room for others. I’m making a peach crisp for a men’s group for the ‘dessert’ of their breakfast. Pickled beets are on for today, too.
Have a wonderful weekend. Take time for your pets. Family is always first.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 62F, on its way to 73F. Chance of a shower this morning as a front moves through, then some sun this afternoon. That's good. I committed to grilling up some bbq'd chicken to take over to Mom's today. I already made the sauce. Need to get the chicken brining. I will pass along your birthday wishes, Jane. Thank you! Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there and grill something outside, while it's still warm!
Got out early yesterday and mowed 3 big lawns and started a small clean up job then came home and chilled. Finishing up the job Ive been doing this last week during the afternoons/evenings. Hopefully done by 1. Need to mow our lawn and clean the work truck this afternoon. Probably a little guitar and some wine later on. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. It's sunny and 49F, on its way to 72F. First day of an extended dry spell, with highs around 80F, so the guessers say. Sounds like a nice stretch of weather. The BBQ chicken came out good. They enjoyed it. Today, it's back to outside futzing. I need to water the garden, and maybe chip/shred those branches. That task has been hanging around too long. Also, have some grass that needs cutting. NFL at 4:30. Hope everybody has a peaceful and restful Sunday. Be safe out there and cheer for the home team!
Good morning. The temps are creeping up the the 90’s for a week - we should be used to that, but I’m ready for the 70’s to be more permanent for harvesting. At least the tomatoes are turning red faster than last month. Time to give more away today.
Enjoy this beautiful weekend. Take time for yourself and family. Those projects will be there tomorrow.
Finished up that job yesterday. Truck is broke down and a window got broke, Truck is getting towed to the shop this morning and I need to find someone to fix window before I try to collect the balance. Off to mow several yards then going to try and relax this evening, hopefully playing guitar. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. It's 50F on its way to 86F. Back from Canada. Today, I am running a few errands and then I plan to start removing tomato plants and hauling them to the burn pile. After that, harvesting the thousands of jalapenos we've got out there. It should be a busy day. My wife is making more ketchup today and has a few green beans left to can. That should wrap up this year's canning. Grilling salmon this evening. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
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Good morning. It's sunny and 46F, on its way to 78F. Pretty day. Well, I procrastinated and did absolutely nothing yesterday, except watch NFL, lol. So, yesterday's to-do's move to today's to-do's, lol. The first of the season Frost Advisory was issued for last night. Guess I'll see if the garden got hit, when I go down there. That would be no bueno. How was the fishing? Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
Good morning. Frost warning - no bueno at all! I still have lots to harvest, waiting for things to ripen. Slow but sure. Not much planned for today, saving seeds, I guess. The 90F are still around as well as the Jap beetles.
Enjoy this Fall weather, the mums are showing beautiful colors as well as zinnias.
Good morning. It's sunny and 44F, on its way to 82F. Pretty day, but chilly this morning....again. I think the chilly mornings are over, for now. Forecast says low's in the mid-fifties for the rest of the month. Well, luckily there was no frost in the garden yesterday morning. It did go down to upper 30's, so it was close. I did get the garden watered yesterday. Ole Wabbit is back in the garden, again. We shoo'ed her old last week, but she got back in a few days ago. She's wallowed out a little depression in one of the raised beds, under a pepper canopy. She just lays there, in the shade, watching us as we tend the garden. We walk within 5-6 feet of her, and she doesn't care. We couldn't figure out why she liked it in the garden so much, until yesterday. Saw two little bunnies, probably as big as a softball, sitting in one of the bean rows. Now it makes sense, lol. I guess she feels safe inside the fence. They're not eating anything except the sweet potato leaves so they can stay, I guess. Anyway, today is errand day. Will probably go over and visit with Sis, as she is going back home in the morning. Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. Be safe out there and enjoy Mother Nature.
Good morning. 58-92F, and dry. Busy day with meetings and Dr. appt. The CG is slowing down some, but I still have lots of green tomatoes. The Opalkas keep pushing new fruit, so that I will be thinking of drying the slices for later. Good luck w/all your peppers everyone.
Have a great Tuesday. Enjoy these beautiful autumn days ahead. Take time for yourself. Hope Downriver’s mom had a wonderful birthday.
Good morning. It's 48F on its way to 88F. Should be sunny and pleasant. Yesterday, harvested 4 giant fruit flats of jalapenos. Now we've got to process them :banghead: . Rebuilding toilets this morning. Not doing anything after that. Saw several does with their yearlings this morning. The yearlings are almost as big as the does now. Grilling sausages this evening. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Need to knock out 4 lawns and a small weeding job. Have to meet the window guy for that clean up job. Meet with the home owner last night and she cried. She hasnt seen the property in that shape in 10 years, I even cleaned out the pet cemetery and put new flowers on the graves. Have a few small things to finish, which ill get this week. Plan on playing guitar this evening. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. It's sunny and 54F, on its way to 83F. Another pretty day. Need to run out and get diesel for the Kubota, then back and finish cutting the grass. Need to push mow and trim around the house. Still need to chip/shred and empty the trailer. I have more tree trimming work to do. There's always something to do, lol. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.