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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. Currently, 18F with snow flurries, on the way to 27F. Barely any snow yesterday, maybe 1". Just enough to be annoying. Not going anywhere today either. Just too cold. Another indoor futzing day on tap. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there and stay warm.
Good morning. Rain today. 50’s and 60’s the next week. I’ll take it! I’m finishing up on my Spring cleaning. Trying to get ahead of everything so I’m not frantic at the last minute come surgery time.

Got approval for knee replacement. Now I’m waiting for approval for CT scan so they can build the knee. Insurance companies are so stupid. Most should go before the judge for the sh*t they pull.

@sicman make sure your feet are warm. Cold feet and it’s hard to stay comfortable. Maybe keep the fire stoked and burning for comfort indoors. A empty bottle of Gatorade with hot water, under the covers at your feet will help during the night. Don’t forget some headgear for outdoors. Don’t want to lose to much heat from your dome. Follow some of these tips and you will be fine.

Have a good y’all. I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for brother Sic not to get hypothermia.
Good morning. 19-40F, snowing still. So far the WX guessers have the correct prediction that we will have snow. The 2-5” is 15” so far. I’ll take it! Lunch has been cancelled so the inside day looks warm and busy. Dr. yesterday gave me list of exercises for my shoulder and an OK for the x-ray.
Enjoy your day, stay warm with extra thick socks and an extra layer of clothes. Winter is teasing us still.
Good morning. It's sunny and 28F, on its way to 35F. Calling for windy and cold. Oh boy! Started working on the list of chinense to grow this year. WAY too many possibles. I need to whittle it down because I plan on starting them this weekend (if I can get to my seed starting stuff). In other news, I fear we have a few errands to run today. Brr. Then home and work on the list. Hope everybody has a freaky good Friday. Be safe out there and try to stay warm.
Good morning. It's 17F on its way to 37F. Warming up with plenty of sunshine. We'll definitely get some snow melting today. Loving this WX and the forecast for next week when we're supposed to get near 70F. Watching the matches this morning and futzing this afternoon. Grilling salmon and having the last of 2024's brussel sprouts this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 21F, on its way to 42F. No 70's in our forecast, but there's 50's at the beginning of the week. That'll be different, lol. Narrowing the chinense list down. Will finalize today. Then, I'm heading down to the shed and retrieve all the seed starting stuff. Still planning on planting seeds this weekend. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be careful out there and think Spring!
Good morning. 24-50F and sunny. I’m looking g forward to seeing green grass this coming week. We won’t be as warm as Harry’s area, but maybe into the 50’s and 60’s. Many of the residential streets never got plowed around us so it’s pretty slushy walking. Spring will soon be here, with snow storms in March to add variety.
Have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the warmth of the sun, and the beautiful birds to bring in another season.
Good morning. It's 30F on its way to 54F. Mostly sunny and warm. Yay! More snow melting. This morning, we're defrosting and reorganizing the chest freezer in the garage. Yesterday, I finally selected this year's tomato varieties. Futzing this afternoon. Grilling burgers this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 26F, on its way to 49F. A fairly warm day, for a change. Not much planned for today. Probably pop over and visit with Mom, then hit the grocery store on the way home. Hope everybody has a peaceful and restful Sunday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
Good morning. 33-59, sunny with more snow to melt. I’m looking forward to the 60’s this week. Nothing much planned for today. I’ve been starting the painful shoulder exercises, waiting to hear about whether I qualify for PT. It may be a slower garden season. Time to downsize more? Not yet
Enjoy your Sunday. Stay warm and healthy. Keep safe.
Good morning. It's 40F on its way to 65F. Partly sunny and very warm. The snow is 95% gone. Chores this morning. Futzing in the barn this afternoon. Made the variety selections for this year's tomatoes and peppers .... now I need to get the seeds rounded up. Garlic chicken tonight. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 21F, on its way to 56F. "Good day for outdoor activities." Ok, sounds good to me. It was a bit muddy, but I finally was able to retrieve the seed starting stuff from the shed yesterday. Now, I'm ready to plant, but the list is still too long, lol. We have Dr.'s appointments this afternoon. My sister is in town, and she wants to go to Margarita Monday🍹. Now that's a plan! Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there and enjoy the warmer temps (if ya got 'em).
Good morning. 40-61F and windy. Coffee group, Monday errands, then free time. All this talk about seeds gets me inspired to work on more cleaning in the basement. Time to focus on getting the space ready for seeding and plants.
I hope your Monday goes well. Take time to enjoy Mother Nature, mud and all. Stay safe.