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Google Earth Game

hmm, maybe "open pit mine"? I'm probably starting a whole other topic here about mines, apparently there's a difference between open pit mines and strip mines. I did not know that strip mines were parallel lines of mining. I thought "strip mining" was a general reference to taking all the dirt out and stripping anything of value out of the raw dirt.

Along the right track?
Yes, it is a pit mine,

the largest man made hole in Australia

Near a town with a Hay St that has a certain reputation,

the town has a pub that was violently shaken recently and may need demolishing.
Well, could mean that. But the street is actually called Hay Street, and has a reputation for, ahem, gentlemanly pursuits with the ladies. (OK, whoring.)
ring sting said:
Well, could mean that. But the street is actually called Hay Street, and has a reputation for, ahem, gentlemanly pursuits with the ladies. (OK, whoring.)

A'hem, well, yess a good roll in the hay is usually appreciated by the gentlemen, which is generally understood to be of the same pursuits....;)

There's a town in our neck of the woods named for an old prostitute.
Pic taken with my phone as i am stupid and can't figure out how to do it the other way :D

The U.S. built the airstrip in WWII and an adjacent atoll can hold 700 ships.
Novacastrian said:
Bloody hell how did you get that? CORRECT!

Like I said. Bored at work.

And I'm good at this sort of stuff...but like a cheetah, if I don't find what I'm looking for after 400 meters, I get lazy.:P