• General food and cooking questions, discussion, and recipes. To blog your food or to create (or post in) a community food thread, please post in Post Your Eats!

food =[ grantmichaels' skunkworx thread ]=

I wish I could hang out and brew beer and watch food come across the wire from Essegi, FB, PIC1, Booma, Fiddy, Sum, DTS, filmost, Tinnie, BigB, CH73, Scovie, JT, and Stickman all weekend long ...
A lot of the folks who inspire *me* to cook, aren't posting often anymore ...
There's good stuff going on in the DC thread of late ... nice to see RM posting in there, and TB is posting a lil' bit too ...
There's good stuff from Alynn and The Count and crazyheat and LA 2 Bay here lately ...
Here I thought everyone was enjoying all of the fresh contributions from all the new folks posting ... I know that I am!
grantmichaels said:
I wish I could hang out and brew beer and watch food come across the wire from Essegi, FB, PIC1, Booma, Fiddy, Sum, DTS, filmost, Tinnie, BigB, CH73, Scovie, JT, and Stickman all weekend long ...
A lot of the folks who inspire *me* to cook, aren't posting often anymore ...
There's good stuff going on in the DC thread of late ... nice to see RM posting in there, and TB is posting a lil' bit too ...
There's good stuff from Alynn and The Count and crazyheat and LA 2 Bay here lately ...
Here I thought everyone was enjoying all of the fresh contributions from all the new folks posting ... I know that I am!
You sir of all people know a thing.
Sometimes life gets in the way.
I'm a musician.
THP and cooking is what I do when I'm distracted or working something out.
Therefore I come and go.
But I always come back not only because I love to eat but also....
I love the comedy!
All that sex in the middle doesn't count? Because it was like bad pizza? :lol:

texas blues said:
With THP there's always a next time.
TB's a THPer for life. Ebb and flow, he flows and ebbs. And splooges.

Mother's Day ...
grantmichaels said:
My kinda' joint.
And I don't have problem asking and paying chefly to make me some bearnaise on the side.
If they can't do that I don't wanna' eat there.
Food cost's $$$.
Accommodation and courtesy cost nothing.
But I'm digging the cut of their jib.
I reckon they'll soon be featuring in season king and sockeye salmon soon.
'Lawd have mercy!
Grilled fresh king salmon with bearnaise is one of the bestest 'thangs you will ever eat.
Well...any 'thang with bearnaise really.
Steak like file or ribeye.
Or both! 
Fantasize for a moment.
Filet mignon + asparagus + king crab + bearnaise.
On top of each other.