contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

i scarified the rest of my seeds and about 6 of 10 are already showing tails. its less than 6 hours since i did it.
im serious, i think the reason many seeds take like a week to germ is because they are unable to break out of the seed coating.

try it out on a few of your own... find a few plump ones and simply slipe the tip of a razor into the little root hole... idk what to call it tbh.

Just trying to get them to live through the frosty spring that can still freeze in June, and the roasty Augusts that can get to 115.

Maybe when I can breed some Mighty Morphin Power Peppers------------

I'm keepin that trademark for future use, BTW. ;)
We're in for some ice so I went to walmart and picked up some more soil for later on and got a small camera, but forgot about batteries for the damn thing, :doh: been so long since I had one. Still no greenies, I tried to take some of the seeds out to rough the seed coat and then dropped one, took 10 minutes to find the thing, man I need my eyes checked. I did go ahead and soak the rest of the seeds these I will make sure that I rough the edges before I stick them in the coir pellets.
Getting a bit to old to remember everything at once. :rolleyes:
Out of six seeds in the dirt a week, no response. SO i pulled them and clipped them a little, worked with my pequins. See how it goes with these guys.