contest Growdown Throwdown 2014 Tallest plant

MeatHead1313 said:
Really looking forward to this! Just hope I don't embarrass myself lol. Are we limited to one plant, or can we plant several seeds and choose the best for the competition?
Plant as many as you want and pick your best. These things are ultra prolific,if you plant numerous plants,you will need to snort a kilo of adderall to harvest them. Just make sure the plant(s) grow vertically. Stake them,piggyback them,whatever,just grow them up. Have fun and good luck!

These are totally different than the Birgit's,those things are freaks and viny. I think it will be harder to get double digit feet with these,but I'm sure someone will do it.
maximumcapsicum said:
Woot! Think a roomy 5 gallon pot or in ground will work best for this baby? Probably should ask you guys ... You're the competition.
Stuff that biieetch in a 1 gallon pot! :liar:

I grew one in a 7 gallon pot,it got pretty big,not big enough to win this though. Remember,we are measuring the plant only. Can't add a foot and a half for pot size.
Jeff H said:
Well, here is the link of what Shane did to win it all last year. If you think you can do it in a 5 gal pot, give it one heck of a shot.
Haha...I didn't go quite that deep or wide for the Birgits...I went 1' across and 6" deep. I filled the bottom of the hole with cinder blocks tightly spaced with the solid sides up. I also mixed 4 gallons of bleach with 1 quart of kerosene to soak the hole at plant out. Daily foliar feeding with the same mixture and once a week I beat the plant into the ground with a baseball bat...
stc3248 said:
Haha...I didn't go quite that deep or wide for the Birgits...I went 1' across and 6" deep. I filled the bottom of the hole with cinder blocks tightly spaced with the solid sides up. I also mixed 4 gallons of bleach with 1 quart of kerosene to soak the hole at plant out. Daily foliar feeding with the same mixture and once a week I beat the plant into the ground with a baseball bat...
Great. Can we see photo evidence of this? I would love to see how the birgits master poisoning fertilizing his spot.  We're all watching your volunteer this year. :D 

Good luck everyone!