contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

Sitting at 14 inches currently. It definitely didn't like all the rain we had a few weeks ago
Almost 13" here.  Putting in the ground sometime in the next week.  2 more cold nights then all looks good after that for while.  Starting pepper planting Wednesday.  Almost 200 to try to plant so not sure how long it will take this year, but hopefully all will be in the ground or in pots within the next week.
Woah, I've missed some great specimens.  24"  WTF?
I'm still going for the bushiest plant!  Finally got mine into it's 10 gallon container full of
ZooDoo and Organic planting mix a couple of days ago.  Sitting at about 16" right now.
Will post a pic with the tape measure sometime after this weekend.  l expect some
slowdown in growth while new roots are forming, but in a couple of weeks, watchala gringo!

Great contest so far!
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     Like all your other plants, that thing's a tree! Beautiful rootball, too.
Thanks, it's a little wilty now that it's been in the sun all day. A little worried about the plants, they changed the forecast to low of 44 tonight. Awfully chilly for them. 
D3monic said:
Thanks, it's a little wilty now that it's been in the sun all day. A little worried about the plants, they changed the forecast to low of 44 tonight. Awfully chilly for them. 
     Mine have been outside for weeks and they've been handling the cool nights just fine. They look a little weird up top, but I bet their roots have been making good use of the warm days and rain.
D3monic said:
Thanks, it's a little wilty now that it's been in the sun all day. A little worried about the plants, they changed the forecast to low of 44 tonight. Awfully chilly for them.
Have you considered measuring soil temp to make you feel better? Happy root zone means they should recover nicely even if the leaves don't love it.