contest Growdown Throwdown 2016 !!!

Yellowfin2na said:
Alright folks I have completed the cutting board for the grow down winner. This year I made it a little smaller. Wanted it to be a perfect sized pod slicing/cutting block. The wood chosen is gorgeous. It's called Tiger Maple because of its tiger stripe wood grain. Just like last year I created two cutting blocks, one for the winner and one for the hosts of this great contest. I believe Wayright received the one from last year and I think it's only fair Romy6 get this year's. Romy6 please PM and thanks again for hosting.

Here they are....

LOL FYI my expensive Japanese knife is not included
Nice Boards! 
One similar to this would be cool....

Would make a good avatar too!
You mean like these that I made yesterday??!? lol


Its supposed to be a flounder

or this?!?!

Lol ok im done now
I have a bunch of IPE scraps from building my deck...I wonder if they would make good cutting boards. I doubt it...they are full of resins and oils.
WOW! All those cutting boards look ridiculous! I think I may have to try my hand at that! I think I'll make a snook or a red fish that has a knot where the tail would be to resemble the dot... Thanks for the ideas, guys! 

Yellowfin2na said:
You mean like these that I made yesterday??!? lol


Its supposed to be a flounder

or this?!?!

Lol ok im done now
You can definitely tell thats a flounder! Is the other a mackerel or a tuna?
It's a tuna! Great guess!!
romy6 said:
Cutting boards received and I must say they are fantacular .
Thank you Derrick they are almost too nice to even use .
IMG_5464.JPG by James Hill, on Flickr
IMG_5466.JPG by James Hill, on Flickr
This will make the 2016 growdown winner super happy .
Romy don't forget one of those boards of your choice is yours. And the other is for the winner. A thanks for hosting this year after year.
ram222 said:
CSB sent me a few seeds for the grow down! I will be planting them on the 20th when I return from vacation. I will be posting once a week once the seeds have sprouted. Thanks CSB!!!
When does this thing start? I'd be interested if you have extra seeds. I'm in miami too ^_^