Growdown Throwdown 2017 Aji Lemon Drop!

DK Peppers said:
I'm up for Dorset Naga! Sounds great. 
And it seems to be a heavy producer too!! 
Sea Spring Seeds grew a huge one a couple years ago:
Massive plants, but most varieties will do this under the right conditions. I have seen similar results with Fatali, Datil, several Bhut varieties, Fantasy, Bishop's Crown, etc. Just throwing that out there....mostly because I don't have seeds for Dorset Naga! [emoji28]

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Im down for dorset naga, I AINT SCUUUURDD. Those plants are nice and all....but wait til I grow them....we will see if they can compete with Fatalii in terms of production. It looks like they just may. 
Um....its snowing and the plant needs picking hahahaha wowzers she looks horrible. 

All in all, the lemon drop is a good producer, but I wouldn't say they are in the top echelon of genetics as far as plant structure is concerned. In my experience, the varieties that grow more like, for example, the dorset naga, or fatalii, (hots and super hots in chinense/frutescens hybrids etc) have that iconic plant structure and basal branching on HUGE trunks that allow for their propensity to flower shine because the plant can support it and politely ask for more...
edit: How about we let a few others chime in for a few more days, gather up a 5-6 plant vote list. I can start another poll and get it going sooner rather than later, So we can all agree on vender or seed stock and get things ordered before Jan 1st 2018. I assume we can keep the same rules as this year but if people want to exclude themselves due to region or whatever, then so be it. All good ideas, but somehow I doubt sub sections or forums will get added. Who knows though! It IS CHRISTMAS after all! 
Pepper-Guru, I know these are competitive, but any serious tips you can give about your grow this year would be appreciated.  I apologize if I missed those posts already.  You are an awesome grower.  That Aji Lemon Drop plant was impressive to say the least.  I would love to know what you did so that I can start dreaming about possibly growing a plant that awesome some day.
bpiela said:
Pepper-Guru, I know these are competitive, but any serious tips you can give about your grow this year would be appreciated.  I apologize if I missed those posts already.  You are an awesome grower.  That Aji Lemon Drop plant was impressive to say the least.  I would love to know what you did so that I can start dreaming about possibly growing a plant that awesome some day.
Sure thing man. No secrets around my farm, just fresh, all natural, living soil and plenty of stinky soil drench amendments. 
As for container gardening, bigger is ALWAYS better. I generally want 65 gallons or more for the plants I'm trying to make monsters out of. Air pruning/fabric/smarties are where its at. 
I start with a fresh base of compost, consisting of the entire year's kitchen scraps, yard clippings, leaves, twigs, spent soil mixes etc. I usually amend with peat/verm and make sure my aerators ( perlite ) don't go over 20-25% of the total mix.
That alone generally gets me well into summer with plants that are quickly becoming trees. Around late June, its usually safe for me to start soil drenching with fish or compost teas that are extremely nutrient dense. 
I didn't feed much this year actually, I could've done a lot better but things were more than adequate so I let it ride. 
If you need more details, any of my glogs hold all the info you can handle. 
Pepper-Guru said:
Im down for dorset naga, I AINT SCUUUURDD. Those plants are nice and all....but wait til I grow them....we will see if they can compete with Fatalii in terms of production. It looks like they just may. 
Um....its snowing and the plant needs picking hahahaha wowzers she looks horrible. 

All in all, the lemon drop is a good producer, but I wouldn't say they are in the top echelon of genetics as far as plant structure is concerned. In my experience, the varieties that grow more like, for example, the dorset naga, or fatalii, (hots and super hots in chinense/frutescens hybrids etc) have that iconic plant structure and basal branching on HUGE trunks that allow for their propensity to flower shine because the plant can support it and politely ask for more...
edit: How about we let a few others chime in for a few more days, gather up a 5-6 plant vote list. I can start another poll and get it going sooner rather than later, So we can all agree on vender or seed stock and get things ordered before Jan 1st 2018. I assume we can keep the same rules as this year but if people want to exclude themselves due to region or whatever, then so be it. All good ideas, but somehow I doubt sub sections or forums will get added. Who knows though! It IS CHRISTMAS after all! 
Oh she looks rough!
I agree about the plant structure. At one time, mine in the pot mind you was about 6' 8"s tall. Then the branches kept growing and it actually shrunk in height as they couldn't support their own weight.
Mine this morning:

I couldn't get the sheets off until after 9AM, as they were frozen in that shape...LOL Once off, the plant is even shorter from the weight of the snow and wet-frozen sheets.
Amazingly the plant looked OK. The bee feeder was frozen solid, so I'm surprised. I'll know more tomorrow.
Let's get crackin' on a seed type/vendor folks; time is running out. ;)
I'm good with whatever choice is made.
Devv said:
Oh she looks rough!
I agree about the plant structure. At one time, mine in the pot mind you was about 6' 8"s tall. Then the branches kept growing and it actually shrunk in height as they couldn't support their own weight.
Mine this morning:

I couldn't get the sheets off until after 9AM, as they were frozen in that shape...LOL Once off, the plant is even shorter from the weight of the snow and wet-frozen sheets.
Amazingly the plant looked OK. The bee feeder was frozen solid, so I'm surprised. I'll know more tomorrow.
Let's get crackin' on a seed type/vendor folks; time is running out. ;)
I'm good with whatever choice is made.
Nice! Im not even bringing her in. Too much going on. This last harvest will be my last for the year and this contest. Ive got bottles to order for all the sauce Im sending out, so I guess let me start a new poll/thread so we can get seeds ordered too. Hopefully Mill can edit the title and original post for me a bit after we decide. Its friday night, shouldnt be too hard getting other opinions on variety right?

Im down with Dorset Naga and a lot of others like that but, Ill go ahead and throw the classic Fatalii in as my official suggestion. I may even be able to provide seed will have to look. I personally like the Dorset naga suggestion so, lets hear some more types and Ill start the poll thread.
As for this year - Woaw, those plants are having a hard time! Did they actually survive the snow? 
As for next year: 
This is the list of Peppers that have been mentioned so far. (Counting in more than one suggestion pr. person)
Suggested Peppers for Growdown '18:
 - Aji Amarillo
 - Aji Benito
 - Aji Charapita
 - Aji Fantasy
 - Aji Golden
 - Aji White Lightening Bolt
 - Brazilian Starfish
 - Dedo de Moca
 - Dorset Naga
 - Fatalii
 - Malawi Piquante
 - Peruvian Giallo Arancio 
 - Yellow Brain Strain
We should probably get going with selecting the vendor and doing the poll, if we want to be ready for Jan 1st.  
bpiela said:
Some thoughts on baccatums:
Aji Amarillo
Aji Benito
Aji Golden
Aji Fantasy
Malawi Piquante
Peruvian Giallo Arancio ( I have grown these last two seasons and it is a heavy producer of smaller Aji Amarillos )
Aji White Lightening Bolt ( might be hard to get seeds )
The Malawi Paiquante looks pretty awesome
Is this something I would be able to participate in? I live in Indiana in the US, so harvest for me would likely be late August or even into October weather depending
Well, guys...this is the last harvest of the year for me. 

Just as these plants were born into the world, they fade away to the ever after. Winter ensues, plant cells expand and contract at the whim of fluctuating temperatures as frigid winds rip through the leafless canopy of the once lushly covered, surrounding branches. **drinks more beer** 

Final Harvest 783.5 grams
Total Harvest for the YEAR 11,802.3 grams
We have a couple more weeks! Who's winning this thing!? Wait, I know who....
Everyone. Because I'm sending the mother load of all hot sauce care packages out to everyone who participated!  :shh:
Winter is here.  Snow in the hills.  Temps in the high 30s.  The plants are pretty much done for the year.
Limon yield is up to 345g, including a "few" partially green ones. (Slow-clap...)
It seems that most Throwdown plants I grow turns out to be runts.  Maybe it's the summer heat.  Or maybe the result of too much Bat Crap - or the improper, irregular, application thereof?
Will try to do better with the Brain Strains.....   :rolleyes: