A little update on my plants, moved some jals and california wonder plants out to the sun. been having some problems on the bells. getting some wilting and one of them has crunchy new growth. help / advice is appreciated. I properly hardened them off so maybe the tropical heat isn't something for these plants. some herbs to the left and the right.... sage to the right. =D
butternut squash seedling to the left, just getting it to the right size before i get it to the ground or a big container, still deciding.
tomato plant on the extreme left... probably a beefsteak, will repot once it gets a bit larger
the one with the crunchy new growth is the largest seedling off slightly to the right.
the basil plant to the left was given to me by siling_labuyo. the one next to it is a thai basil i bought at a grocery store that was selling live herbs.
more seedlings being grown in my small indoor set up. been having problems with leafhoppers and leaf miners. been spraying my plants with bird's eye peppers and water solution. seems to help.
a few more seedlings on another window ledge along with a newly acquired italian oregano plant
a few seedlings have died do to the pests. been trying to save them with some tlc and a little spraying of "organic" pest control.
advice? comments? tips? all will be welcome. thanks everyone!