• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Guru's Garden - Traveling the World in Search of Peppers

Just starting this glog now so it's one less thing to do in a few months when I'm knee deep in compost and getting things in the ground.
Not much to report at the moment. Strains yet to be determined, but I'll probably end up growing too many like always...lol
Only thing that's going on right now is a clean back patio and the chickens doing their part turning over my compost pile on the daily. Intersted in seeing how the soil microbes appreciate the added chicken poop!


Hope everyone has had a decent winter so far and here's to happy germination!

EDIT UPDATE: This glog has turned into an ongoing overwintering, greenhouse and soil building how-to!
Roguejim said:
So, if the ammonia is high, let it steep longer until the odor dissipates?
Pretty much! In this update you'll see what happens when you play it a little reckless, as I did, and use it regardless of the urine :)
JoeFish said:
Listen to the single.  I like.  Looking forward to more.
Jeff H said:
Single sounds good. :cheers:
AWESOME. Just played a killer acoustic set last night at a coffee shop in Newnan. Got two, back to back shows this coming weekend as well! Thanks for checking us out! We've put a lot of time and effort into producing this album independently and we haven't quite realized the fruits of our labor, but I believe we are starting to! People seem really receptive and welcoming of us so far :) Im excited!
NOW..... onto the things I'm ACTUALLY good at!  lol GARDENING!!! :dance:
Brought the babies out for a SUN KISS today and made the peppers part ways with their herbal and tomato counterparts :)

Couldn't bring myself to put the peppers into the plot just yet, on account of the storms and wet weather we are probably going to get this week and next. It never fails, that as soon as I transplant all my beautiful pepper seedlings, a t-storm comes a rollin' and I get pelted with hail, so not this year I say!
But here is a visual update on their progress thus far.
MOA Scotch Bonnets (can't wait to taste these babies!)

Tony Tennyson's  Jalapeno (extreme corking) *** you'll note the light leaf curl due to my rather aggressive use of urine soaked rabbit poo. No biggie though, in one week it will be but a faint memory....

Aji Chunco (2014 Growdown contestants)

Holy Mole

The great Rooster Spur (crazy nodes as usual!)

As I said, the tomatoes, herbs, and collards went into the plot today.
BeefMasters and a couple Cherry

Artemesia Absinthium and Pontica (for the absinthe garden) as Mrs. Guru waters the collards in the background :)

Here's a little surprise for the boys and girls over in the "2014 Growdown Glog" :)  One special Aji Chuncho will be going into the HUGE plot of whats left of the compost pile. That pile is ALL property of one pepper plant. Once leveled out somewhat, a two foot tall by 12 foot 'round pile of YEARS of compost and well decomposed mulch will aid in assuring the optimum growing environment for this lucky plant.

I've also got sweet banana, Yellow 7 Pot, Yellow Bhut and Bhut Jolokia that have emerged and just got transplanted into 1 gallon containers to join the staging crew downstairs under the HPS :)
On the other side of things, this year I experienced abnormally low germination rates, which may be a blessing in the long run with such a consolidated plot. This year was the first time I've ever used those peat cells and I don't believe I ever will again. There was major mold issues under the surface of the soil that I can only attribute to the use of those peat cells. This has caused me to miss out on a few peppers and herbs I really wanted to grow. So, I'll be starting another tray, but this time I'm just using clean plastic and hand mixed seed starting medium. Still have anise, fennel and a few unmentionables to sprout.
A little bird told me we're in for another wet summer, so at least watering won't be a huge issue anytime soon. I'll get the drip system installed within the next two weeks none the less.
Hope everyone is having a great season so far and stay tuned for more updates :)
Awesome update!  So, the leaf curl is due to the urine, not from the nutes?  Isn't upward leaf curl also a symptom of over fertilizing?  When my Scarlet Lantern exhibited the same symptom, I attributed it to over fertilization.  No urine was involved.
Yes the free ammonia is a rather "hot" source of N if used without dilution/composting/drying. Usually, ammonia is converted by soil bacteria into more "palatable" nitrates and hydrogen ions. When you drop ph (usually by over feeding) uptake is affected. Gives you that leaf curl. No biggie though. Like a fine vintage they lapped it up, took the hangover in stride with plenty of water :)
Pepper-Guru said:
Couldn't bring myself to put the peppers into the plot just yet, on account of the storms and wet weather we are probably going to get this week and next. It never fails, that as soon as I transplant all my beautiful pepper seedlings, a t-storm comes a rollin' and I get pelted with hail, so not this year I say!

This is rolling in on me as we speak. HA!
An old dog can learn new tricks!
It sure is nasty out there.  I'm about 4 or so hours west of you and it's been raining and pouring all damn day.  The clouds out here are looking pretty sinister.  I held out on planting out this weekend as well.  Grow is looking good nonetheless!  Ahh, I gotta get  the unmentionables in some dirt as well.
Brought the current roster of pepper plants out today. Today is the day they leave the basement :)

Remember that drying rack I made last year? It doubles as an awesome shade house :)

Got the fabric containers hung up for a nice clean and dry.

Garden still gets a fence yet, and new transplants as the month progresses. 
Collards, herbs and tomatoes are looking good after the transplant. Corn is coming up, pepper plants are GREEN, and more trays a sproutin' :)
This plot will look A LOT different in a month! 

Life is good. 
Fantastic. Weather is looking good. And so it begins. Can't wait to see that plot in the weeks to come. Good luck. Not that you need it. But I'll wish it anyway. LOL. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Thanks for sharing.
millworkman said:
Great stuff Rich! Can't wait to keep watching those babies grow.
\m/   :twisted:
OCD Chilehead said:
Fantastic. Weather is looking good. And so it begins. Can't wait to see that plot in the weeks to come. Good luck. Not that you need it. But I'll wish it anyway. LOL. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Thanks for sharing.
We all could use a little luck and good fortune! :)
PaulG said:
Nice Spring update, Rich.  I can't wait to see the
Compost Pile Chunco reaching 20'!
A guy can dream right? I would like to see her pass the 14ft mark, but anything near that will impress me! Last year she got 7+ in a # 45 fabric container. I know it could've been better but the chickens loved to kick out my soil while taking their dirt baths. I think they liked all the microbial goodness. They seemed to love ridding my plants of as much medium as they could...lol  While still HUGE, the plants sort of stalled later in the summer as a result. 
Any how, my common mantra continues to be "NOT THIS YEAR" 

Got the fence put up today. Well, its functional anyhow...hahaha  Things aren't as tight and straight just yet
Still needs some good corner posting and then some intricate stretching, but we will get there. 
If anyone's got any wise ole tricks when it comes to pulling fence over ground that is far from level, then feel free to chime in! All tips welcome. I gotta build a fence puller here in the next few days. Probably pull with the tractor or a come along. 

Got a sweet little care package in the mail today from Jamison :) Some seeds to pop and some powder to devour! It's GOOD. 

I'll end the night's update with a shot of a beautiful baby collard green. Enjoy :) 