• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Guru's Garden - Traveling the World in Search of Peppers

Just starting this glog now so it's one less thing to do in a few months when I'm knee deep in compost and getting things in the ground.
Not much to report at the moment. Strains yet to be determined, but I'll probably end up growing too many like always...lol
Only thing that's going on right now is a clean back patio and the chickens doing their part turning over my compost pile on the daily. Intersted in seeing how the soil microbes appreciate the added chicken poop!


Hope everyone has had a decent winter so far and here's to happy germination!

EDIT UPDATE: This glog has turned into an ongoing overwintering, greenhouse and soil building how-to!
Some more of my favorites so far this season. 
The real wiri wiri from Guyana. Not "ma wiri wiri" 
Grateful for the opportunity to grow these this season. 



and then some Binquinho/Chupetinho White...i believe from a well know Italian breeder. 



Finally, a non capsicum favorite of mine. 
Dionaea muscipula "Venus Fly Trap"
Native to the coastal marshlands of the south east United States of America, this one has enjoy a bowl of water near the compost bucket catching flies. 

Dude .... Your Biquinhos are nuts.  Seems like I've got thousands of yellow and red pods.  Pickled a bunch .... not sure what else to do with the rest.  Suggestions?
Pepper-Guru said:
Fist round of OP seeds is about dry. 

Yo! Been trying to reach you. I noticed you were either deactivated from FB or had be blocked. Everything ok? One of the admins removed you, because we are constantly cleaning up deactivated members.
I got into it with this scumbag that deals with webers, he called me a keyboard warrior, I told him to come to kansas and I'd show him keyboard warrior, then he said something about me threatening him, next thing I know I cant log in anymore. But they let me log into an old account that I couldn't log into when I made the other one. Facebook is dumb, I will send you a request from the other one
DWB said:
I'd believe you even if you told me I could get different phenotypes on the same plant.
Hey, were you able to get the full-text article for the BER study you link above? I tried but no one ever responded. I'd like to see it all to sort out some of the "what came first, the chicken or the egg?" conclusions.
As in. "From a review of the relevant literature it is concluded that Ca2+ deficiency is not the cause but a result of blossom-end rot (BER) in tomato and pepper fruit."
Pepper-Guru said:
I need someone cooler than myself to hook me up on access for the full texts!
Sci-hub (sci-hub.se) is a great resource for accessing full papers. I've found pretty much every paper I've ever searched for using the paper's DOI on sci-hub.
Nice, Rich.
What is your goal with the Biquinho (Binquinho?) 
cross? Nice coloration in that 'palm pic'.
PaulG said:
Nice, Rich.
What is your goal with the Biquinho (Binquinho?) 
cross? Nice coloration in that 'palm pic'.
These were sent to me by pollennut as cuttings. Not sure where he got em originally. I'll have to ask. First I've seen a cross with these morphology traits that actually came to me labeled "Binquinho" etc. Most of the Binquinho crosses I've seen end up being called "Chupetinho". 
I guess, not knowing the goals in mind of either the bee or the human whom may or may not have put pollen to stigma, I'd say the most responsible thing to do would be to grow a ton of the iso seeds and begin making selections for lines that more resembled the original Binquinho (stable brazillian landrace) and that held that pink sunset thing upon ripe. 