• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Guru's Glog 2012

Is it that time again already? Feels like yesterday I was picking final harvests, disonnecting drip lines out in the garden and digging up pepper plants for the winter. Where does the time go?

Anyhow, I see people are already in full swing here on THP. What a lovely site. I'll be the first to admit, I'm running a little late this year, but I have an excuse I'm prepared to live with....





:P I needed a vacation! Well that, and a good friend of mine asked if I wanted to open up a restaurant in Thailand. Who says no to that? Not I.

We had a great time. Its paradise, and very cheap. Above all, as a chili head, Thai food is a gift from God himself. I ate better and fresher food than you could ever get in the US, for pennies a meal. The trip was awesome. I think Im even suffering from seperation anxiety...lol I couldn't even begin to go into all the things that happened on this trip, without this starting to sound like more of a blog than a GLOG, so I'll spare you guys for now.

Anyway, down to business. Before I left, I started a 72 cell super hot tray and pulled the mothers from last year outside.




The lady bugs went to work on the mothers, and I felt confident that Mrs. Guru could take care of the germination while I was away.


Now, I'd be lying if I said I never worried for a second while I was away. I had already started my seeds a week or two later than usual and now I was going to be gone while they were supposed to be "born"....lol but I knew the better option for my sanity was to let go, remember I was on vacation and not think about the seeds. Im glad I did, because the ole lady did ok! :P

I got back, germ rates were near 100% and it was on to potting up!


Quick make shift shade house for the tender seedlings after a transplant and a break in the clouds.

You guys better know I love you all! My stomach is on fire right now. I ate a huge meal and still got one hell of a burning gut! Just like the Trin Scorp...damn it! I hate that gut burn...im literally shaking all over right now. Stay tuned for video...bastards.... :)
Love ya! lol :party:
Good morning guru.
as was recommended to me by Spongey, you should put some baby wipes in the refrigerator :confused: your ass is gonna need it.
Also a pretreatment of diaper rash ointment helps... a little :eh:

This is gonna be a good video!
Good morning! I've literally been trying to upload this video all night. Youtube hasn't wanted to cooperate with this .mts off of my HD Camcorder. I think I may have it now. Its currently processing but will be live here >>>
Ok So I didn't do much "reviewing" in the video. It was an instant esophagus and stomach destroyer! I walk over to the sink half way through the video because I thought I was going to throw up...lol I gotta be honest, the mouth burn wasn't as horrible or unbearable as I was anticipating, but the gut...dear lord. Far worse gut burn than a Trinidad Scorpion. I did drink some milk in the video just as the heat was really getting to my stomach. I've got a mouth of steel, but a very weak stomach for certain types of peppers eaten whole. This happened to be one of them! Thanks goes out to Cappy for sending the seeds. These are excellent plant specimens with great genetics. She is as tall as I am now and loaded down with flowers and pods. A serious garden performer! This is for all the growers here at THP.
Haha.........when ya got the "peanut gallery" encouraging ya on,......you might as well do something "Nutty"
Man, that was crazy dude!

I feel like going out and ripping my plants out..........lol

That reminds me of last year when I ate a "Indian Carbon", it got stuck on the way down, and the cold brew or two didn't help.

Hat's off to you for showing this,... now you.ve got more people wanting to grow it...
and some running to the Hills...

Right the f**k ON! Hell yes...
Good job man. That shit is hot, and I'm sure on a plant like yours, its even hotter. How did you like the flavor? I know it was hard to taste through the heat, but the burps after are delicious.

Props man, I could only muster up enough courage to eat half of one. I hope the bathroom is kind to you today.
I almost feel bad for egging you on. You are right, they hit the gut HARD!

Take it easy today man.
Nice work - it was painful to watch. When I tried one it hit my stomach, sat there a few minutes and came back up. Amazing heat and potency. Way to hang in there though, and thanks for sharing your pain with all of us!
Guru................you just brought flashbacks of last week when I ate the Black Naga.....that "Shaking all over" and the stomach hurting so bad you feel like you might pass out...lol. I was living that with you man. I'm going to have to tred lightly around this one when I get pods. You champed it out bro! I agree completely with being able to take the mouth burn but those super hots get my belly shaking like Chunks "Truffe Shuffle" "HEY YOU GUUUUUUUUUYS!"

Thanks for the vid....and the warning bro....lol
well done sir! the brain is one of the only pods that jack my stomach up big time! my mouf can handle the heat but my gut tells me i will regret it! what i have found that tames the gut burn it tums, i eat 5-6 of them and the burn subsides a little along wiht milk helps
Guru, could you elaborate(or point me where you already have) on the process you use making your own fish feeds. I've got some halibut in a bucket, and I checked it today and there's some nasty maggots swimming in it. Is this normal?
Totally normal. I just consider what ever the larva leave behind as more nutrient diversity. You can cover the bucket if you don't want them in there. Essentially all you do is chop the fish up as well as you can to expedite the process, add water and stir daily for a few weeks until you only see fish slury and small bone fragments. A true hydrolysate :)
Alright, so I should strain any maggots out before using, I would assume?

Also, what should my rate of application be? I can't imagine straight hydrolysate is recommended