• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Guru's Glog 2012

Is it that time again already? Feels like yesterday I was picking final harvests, disonnecting drip lines out in the garden and digging up pepper plants for the winter. Where does the time go?

Anyhow, I see people are already in full swing here on THP. What a lovely site. I'll be the first to admit, I'm running a little late this year, but I have an excuse I'm prepared to live with....





:P I needed a vacation! Well that, and a good friend of mine asked if I wanted to open up a restaurant in Thailand. Who says no to that? Not I.

We had a great time. Its paradise, and very cheap. Above all, as a chili head, Thai food is a gift from God himself. I ate better and fresher food than you could ever get in the US, for pennies a meal. The trip was awesome. I think Im even suffering from seperation anxiety...lol I couldn't even begin to go into all the things that happened on this trip, without this starting to sound like more of a blog than a GLOG, so I'll spare you guys for now.

Anyway, down to business. Before I left, I started a 72 cell super hot tray and pulled the mothers from last year outside.




The lady bugs went to work on the mothers, and I felt confident that Mrs. Guru could take care of the germination while I was away.


Now, I'd be lying if I said I never worried for a second while I was away. I had already started my seeds a week or two later than usual and now I was going to be gone while they were supposed to be "born"....lol but I knew the better option for my sanity was to let go, remember I was on vacation and not think about the seeds. Im glad I did, because the ole lady did ok! :P

I got back, germ rates were near 100% and it was on to potting up!


Quick make shift shade house for the tender seedlings after a transplant and a break in the clouds.

Hey, PG, am enjoying reading the tips and tricks in your glog.
Gotta get going on the tea, just having a hard time overcoming
inertia, since I don't have any of the hardware and have to scout
around. I really like the idea of sticking a post dedicated to teas.
I've seen lots of ideas on the forum, but it's a pita trying to remember
or search it all out.

When you water with the teas, do you water all the way through the
container or just add a certain amount to the container? Regarding
fish fertilizers and what you said above, is alaska fish fertilizer caca?

Here's what I have on hand: AK fish, Mor Bloom, Age Old Liquid Kelp, dry molasses,
Earth Juice Rainbow Mix Grow with mycos and humic acid, Botanicare CalMag, cured
garden/kitchen compost (turf loam and coffee grounds mixed in it during composting- has
to be full of worm castings). A lot of my containers wind up with worms living in them.
So, is all this a waste of time, or can I use some of this to make a tea until I get my shiat
together? Recommendations?

Thanks in advance, bro. hope you had a blast with the family at Orlando!
I've only been to the one in CA. Continued good growin' to you!
The force is with you Matt. You get it :) I'm just happy to see so many people learning the ways of organics here at THP. We need more stickies here, and I promise to find the time to put together something special before the seasons end. I feel a bit weird always needing to point growers to another site for info that should be here. I'm confident we can all work as a team to compile an organic collective tailored for peppers. I knew pepper growers would begin to see the light, just never knew it would catch on so fast :) Thanks for the support.

Agreed! This could have been a start, but it is what it is I guess.

You know that Glow women get when they are preggers? Thats what my plants look like after going organic! Only way I can explain it.
Hey Guru, ever heard of Quantum Beneficial? It's basically humic acid with some probiotics and humates thrown in. If you have, how did you apply it? Foliar or root? Any tips you can give to get me some massive plants this year?
Hey, will old frozen tilapia work for the hydro...? Just found a box in the folks fridge dated good by 2009, haha. I have gone through this entire GLOG and am stoked...for the tea, I saw the fish, the worm castings, but where does one buy mycorrhizae? Also, molasses? The liquid ones from publix or is there another kind?
Looking damn good Rich. Going to update my season thread in the next few days and hopefully can get your advice. Hope your trip was fun.
Thanks man! Ready to check your update, just let me know. We had a blast on our Disney trip. It was the kids' first time, and they were awestruck. Took em to the beach in my home town of Palm Bay/Melbourne area, swam with manatees, got stung up by jelly fish, almost got arrested for picking up a gopher tortoise to show the kids...lol Stopped into reptile world off 192. Just all around had an amazing time.
Hey, PG, am enjoying reading the tips and tricks in your glog.
Gotta get going on the tea, just having a hard time overcoming
inertia, since I don't have any of the hardware and have to scout
around. I really like the idea of sticking a post dedicated to teas.
I've seen lots of ideas on the forum, but it's a pita trying to remember
or search it all out.

When you water with the teas, do you water all the way through the
container or just add a certain amount to the container? Regarding
fish fertilizers and what you said above, is alaska fish fertilizer caca?

Here's what I have on hand: AK fish, Mor Bloom, Age Old Liquid Kelp, dry molasses,
Earth Juice Rainbow Mix Grow with mycos and humic acid, Botanicare CalMag, cured
garden/kitchen compost (turf loam and coffee grounds mixed in it during composting- has
to be full of worm castings). A lot of my containers wind up with worms living in them.
So, is all this a waste of time, or can I use some of this to make a tea until I get my shiat
together? Recommendations?

Thanks in advance, bro. hope you had a blast with the family at Orlando!
I've only been to the one in CA. Continued good growin' to you!
Hey Paul! When I soil drench with teas, I "DRENCH". Just pour till it fills the rest of the container space up then stop. Some will run out but beleive it or not, if the soil is already wet, most of the drench will stay in the pots....weird I know. As for the ingredients you mentioned. They all sound great. The fish emulsions people buy are better than synthetics, dont get me wrong, but they aren't as good as hydrolysates. Emulsions are the by products of byproducts. Consider them a "third or fourth wine"...lol They aren't caca and are better than MG by all means, but still you just can't get any better than fish flesh and bones :)
Agreed! This could have been a start, but it is what it is I guess.

You know that Glow women get when they are preggers? Thats what my plants look like after going organic! Only way I can explain it.
Indeed! Its that vibrant energy that emits from the very growth tips and almost looks like the plant is "raising the roof!" Not to mention the rich green hues, the pleasent aroma of the soil once disturbed. Not that salty, chlorine, "rich peoples grass" smell you get with synthetics. Mmmm nothing like alzeimers inducing, cancer provoking, immune system disabling smell of synthetic fertilizer in the morning! lol :rolleyes:
Hey Guru, ever heard of Quantum Beneficial? It's basically humic acid with some probiotics and humates thrown in. If you have, how did you apply it? Foliar or root? Any tips you can give to get me some massive plants this year?
Never heard of it, but I did look it up last night and it seems Orchid growers love it. Try it dude!
Hey, will old frozen tilapia work for the hydro...? Just found a box in the folks fridge dated good by 2009, haha. I have gone through this entire GLOG and am stoked...for the tea, I saw the fish, the worm castings, but where does one buy mycorrhizae? Also, molasses? The liquid ones from publix or is there another kind?
Frozen fish should work just fine. I usually use fresh fish after a nice fly fishing expedition, but this year I went a little earlier than usual so I froze them for a month or two and they still work great. As for the mycorrhizae, you can harvest and colonize your own. Strain specific. Or buy it from companies. A quick google will get you where you need to go. Remember, "strain specific!" As for molasses...yep plain ole unsulphured black strap from the grocer. Good luck bro!

Garden update! Ok ladies and gentlemen, all plants got the stinky ass fish bump today. Things are about to get INTERESTING to say the least.

Here are some garden shots first.





And some patio shots...

Fatalii LOADED down already



ODD mutant pod! Fatalii Scorpion anyone?! lol


Brain Strain




damn picture limit rule! somone reply real quick so I can add the other pics! lol

to be continued...
Your glog is causing me garden envy, bro. Size does matter ;)
You mentioned before your container soil goes back through composting,
is this a yearly thing or just when you feel like it's time?
More pics!

Brain Strain babies

Some REAL cool Florida Wilds I picked up while on vacation


Rooster Spur Seedlings..."dont freak out Mill!" lol


Trinidad Scorpion Seedlings from original Butch T 6 Year old mother


Bhut Jolokia seedling from Original 6 year old mother from river in Assam


Cherokee Purple loaded down with beautiful tomatoes, cant wait till they go purple


Thats it for now guys and gals. Anyone who contacted me about the Fatalii seeds, it won't be long.... :)
Looking great Rich, I can't wait to see how everything reacts to the stinky fish food!

A couple questions on your methods (I am probably gonna give em a good feeding when I get back at the end of the month).

How much fish do you use? And How long do you brew for?
Your glog is causing me garden envy, bro. Size does matter ;)
You mentioned before your container soil goes back through composting,
is this a yearly thing or just when you feel like it's time?

I just do it at the end of the season when the plants come out of the big containers and into smaller ones for the over winter. Otherwise all the rain and weather would make sure to leech them pretty good throughout the long winter. One of the main reasons the Fatalii isn't on track with last year is because I left that container as is and just transplanted her back into it this spring. She got the most fish, needless to say today :)

Looking great Rich, I can't wait to see how everything reacts to the stinky fish food!

A couple questions on your methods (I am probably gonna give em a good feeding when I get back at the end of the month).

How much fish do you use? And How long do you brew for?

Well I used a 10 gallon trash can with about 5 lbs of trout this year. Filled with water and stirred daily for almost a month. Once there are no "chuncks" left and you can see itty bitty bone strands stirring around its ready! :)
So, fish in a bucket of water. No air bubbles or anything like that?
Then do you use the fish water to brew your tea with other stuff in it,
or just use the straight fish water? Dilution?

I really appreciate that you take time to share this information, PG.
I know you have better things to do ;) but it is totally helpful for me.
So, fish in a bucket of water. No air bubbles or anything like that?
Then do you use the fish water to brew your tea with other stuff in it,
or just use the straight fish water? Dilution?

I really appreciate that you take time to share this information, PG.
I know you have better things to do ;) but it is totally helpful for me.
Its no problem at all man! Dont worry!

My aact teas are the first part of the process. I have the fish, worm castings, compost, kelp and other random things for the first two days. I bubble and after day one use it for the high fungal colonies, keep bubbling, and day two is higher in bacterial colonies. I use all the strained water for the aact teas at first to get the soil ready and balanced/full of life. THEN I refill the bucket/trash can with water and let the remains ferment for the real "feeding" about a month later. No bubbler for this part :)
Its no problem at all man! Dont worry!

My aact teas are the first part of the process. I have the fish, worm castings, compost, kelp and other random things for the first two days. I bubble and after day one use it for the high fungal colonies, keep bubbling, and day two is higher in bacterial colonies. I use all the strained water for the aact teas at first to get the soil ready and balanced/full of life. THEN I refill the bucket/trash can with water and let the remains ferment for the real "feeding" about a month later. No bubbler for this part :)
So u let the fish ferment with the worm castings and everything u put inside after u use the strained water?
your plants grow so fast i tried to ferment some tilapia in a 5gallon bucket my mom throw it away because she said it stinks like hell

and can i have some of your fatali seeds when they ready :party:

Brain Strain babies

Some REAL cool Florida Wilds I picked up while on vacation


Rooster Spur Seedlings..."dont freak out Mill!" lol


Trinidad Scorpion Seedlings from original Butch T 6 Year old mother


Bhut Jolokia seedling from Original 6 year old mother from river in Assam


Cherokee Purple loaded down with beautiful tomatoes, cant wait till they go purple


Thats it for now guys and gals. Anyone who contacted me about the Fatalii seeds, it won't be long.... :)
very nice photos, good looking plants and awesome garden
Its no problem at all man! Dont worry!

My aact teas are the first part of the process. I have the fish, worm castings, compost, kelp and other random things for the first two days. I bubble and after day one use it for the high fungal colonies, keep bubbling, and day two is higher in bacterial colonies. I use all the strained water for the aact teas at first to get the soil ready and balanced/full of life. THEN I refill the bucket/trash can with water and let the remains ferment for the real "feeding" about a month later. No bubbler for this part :)
Okay, PG, very helpful. Guess for this year I'll just bubble some teas
since everything is already planted out. Next year, I'll try your two step
process. Really fun watching your plants take over the world!
Okay, PG, very helpful. Guess for this year I'll just bubble some teas
since everything is already planted out. Next year, I'll try your two step
process. Really fun watching your plants take over the world!
You don't gotta wait. You can get some stinky going right now and in a month, drench the plants in ground. My garden just got a drench too. This can really be done anytime. It doesn't work like synthetics, its hard to over fertilize with organics due to the way the nutrients build and effect plant cell walls and structure. Thats one of the main reasons I stay all natural. The nutrient compounds are different, are at much lower concentrations and buffered far better than sythetics, with trace minerals already uncluded. Plants grown in active soil webs with orgnanic means of "fertilizers" are less suceptable to disease and pests as well. You see there are many forms of minerals. All minerals are not created equal. I would give it a go if you feel like paying less and learning more :)

So u let the fish ferment with the worm castings and everything u put inside after u use the strained water?
your plants grow so fast i tried to ferment some tilapia in a 5gallon bucket my mom throw it away because she said it stinks like hell

and can i have some of your fatali seeds when they ready :party:
Yep, the remains I let stay for the ferment. Dude...its gonna stink. Period. Your mom, wife and family have to be quite down to earth...lol Put it on the far side of your house and only open the lid to stir when you're sure no one is coming out for about 10 minutes. If its stinking like the worst smell you've ever encountered, then you're doing it right! Besides, it only stinks when you stir it or get right close to it. I have company over all the time and they would never know anything was rotting out in the back.

Sure you can have some seeds :)
You have me planning on taking up fishing now to Rich. I have done a few teas over the past couple weeks on certain plants just to do a simple comparo and so far I am quite impressed. Your plants are looking amazingly awesome dude and thanks for helping all us organic newbies.
Okay, then. I'll get some teas going for now, and get some
foul smelling fish water going, too. I'm assuming you don't
include the guts if the fish is your own catch, or do you?

Thanks again, bud!