• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Hammerfall Grow Log 2012

Hi Guys,
moved in my house un july 2011, so in 2012 That will be my first Big garden of pepper and 1st try at Superhots!

Here's some pics of my actual setup (cleanup to do) and some pic of my germination seeds.
Listing to come but you can read what is in the Germ Chamber :) )
about 4 of each seeds per "jiffy"






Amazing Just amazing love the Set Up, Mine is a bit more Frugal as you would Imagine but It will someday be as good as that, Just This Year and Last year Wasn't My Year Keep It Up Your Doing More Than Great
Most of my setup was bought in the classifed add or very huge discount...

think it cost lest than 60$ for my shop light and the small green house!

if you are not in a hurry you will find awesome deals!

probably that you can find (for free) some shoplight or any big fluo (a bit old but still very functionnal....)
poeple tend to thrash some much good stuff these days...
Yea ama have to do some Search on Craigslist and I have all the time in the World right now, Good things Come to Those Who Wait Specially in The Garden
I'm sure enjoying your grow show! I've got a similar greenhouse as yours and it has my wheels spinning for bringing it inside next year as a start house. I battle low humidity--I'm thinking it would hold RH well. Your plants look pretty happy about it.

It's amazing to see the difference between October and January starts. Keep up the good work! Very helpful comparing stuff... :cool:
You are really raising some nice plants, hammer! that little greenhouse unit
looks just like the ticket! Can't wait to see more pictures of your awesome stuff!
Here,s a little update!

Some pic of my small basement green house and my living room (with the big widow !!!) sun most of the day directly on the plants!

In the green house the hammer (see last pic) for sizing purpose! and in the living room there is a DVD for that (4th pic)






My Peach Bhut Jolokia ! ( i also have 2 or 3 other flowers that have set!!!!)

You can see in the greenhouse that i have a plant that is Way higher than the others.. it's an AJI Yellow!
my god this grows like hell!

4th pic you can see a scorpion
Gorgeous plants! Excellent work, they're looking healthy. Maybe try topping that Aji Yellow that's so much taller than the others, so it bushes out more, or it might not set fruit very well otherwise. Good luck, I'll pop back in from time to time to check out your progress!
That aji yellow plant is a monster. If it keeps up at that rate, by the end of fall you're going to need to invest in a pretty good sized ladder to get pods off the top of it. That's a real nice looking indoor pod on your peach bhut too!
So far Peach Bhut and Butch T set pods like crazy!
i have plenty of Fresno Pods, Some Aji Lemon et and some Aji Yellow Also.
I have some APACHE that throw flowers and pods at an astonishing rate! and the Apacha is a very Dwarf size plants! would be great for bonchi!
i also have some Choc Fatalii the sets and tehre is flowers on most of my super hot like Naga Vipers, Yellow 7 pot, Brain Strain etc...
very impressive! cant wait to see the 2 feets of snow melt !!! i need space!!!!! started a month or two too early! but that's ok the pot restric the plant at a good size for now!

Pictures to come!
Love the pics. Very healthy and happy plants! It looks like you'll be harvesting superhot pods anytime soon now :) Good luck this year!
thats awesome bud :) first pods of the year on other varieties are prone to being milder... I wonder if that holds true for the superhots?
dont know but those super hot will probably Way to hot for me but for sure i will try them and cook with them (sauce and things like that!)

i tried some butch t/morouga/ghost powder (from clifton chili farm in UK) my god just a bit of powder to turn me red and sweaty!
it's very good! i might end up drying and crushing some :)

anyway this year is a big year for me :) lots of new stuff and experience to come!

Wow, David, those plants are looking lush and gorgeous! Let's see some more pics of the Butch-T and Peach Bhuts! I wouldn't mind seeing a pic or two of those Fresnos, either ;) Keep it up, doing a fine job up in Quebec!
Ok hendrix here's some more ;)


Look you can see the Big Fresno mid left side near the shelf


Closeup on Hendrix Fresno: (notice pods forming in the backview)

Choc scorpion pod !!!

And that is a NAGA VIPER !!!


Peach bhut Plant:

and my butch T's
waiting for hto days and no more freeze over nights... might be mid may around here...
today it's still below 0c
and still ahve some snow
Fabulous plants, Hammer! Looks like whatever you are doing,
the pepps like it alot! Not bad for a northern clime! Good luck
trying to patiently wait for Spring!