• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Hammerfall Grow Log 2012

Hi Guys,
moved in my house un july 2011, so in 2012 That will be my first Big garden of pepper and 1st try at Superhots!

Here's some pics of my actual setup (cleanup to do) and some pic of my germination seeds.
Listing to come but you can read what is in the Germ Chamber :) )
about 4 of each seeds per "jiffy"






As for the tio i will try to put pictures. i have 2 that germinated and need to be transplant... one is shading the other in the same pot... so i have to split them cause one is much bigger than the other.
just need some time !
You log is going great guns, hammer! The choc fatali looks frightening!
Should be a great crop; hope they all hold to the first one's style!

hellsyeah!Great log Hammerfall...nice lookin grows goin on , definitely have some "fire in the hole" there(hmmm-to clarify that -we say that as a warning before detonating explosives :hell: ,at THP -some will construe a double meaning :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:)!

Gee. I wonder why they would do that :D
As for the tio i will try to put pictures. i have 2 that germinated and need to be transplant... one is shading the other in the same pot... so i have to split them cause one is much bigger than the other.
just need some time !

pictures would be great!
& awesome! I happy they sprouted up for you! :D
I have some hot stuff getting ready! at least 5 of my super hot are turning from green to orange
butch T, Brains strain, Naga Viper, one choc 7 pot and some choc fatalii!

pic to come !!!!
Wow, you got a ton of pods going! Nice job! Those peach bhuts look pretty cool! How's their flavor? I have some seeds but I got them late and didn't start them...
Amazing! Very nice work. I second the coolness of the peach bhuts. I've got some of those plants going and hope they look as nice as yours. Wow, if you can do this before summer starts, what can you do later on...
hammerfall! I see you're doing well! Can't wait to see pictures of your plants when they go outside!

Happy growing!
I love the looks of those peach Bhut's! Chocolate Fatalii is some serious eye candy too.

The orange TS Butch T's don't look quite right. Let me see if I can find a pic of some for comparison. Hope you don't mind David.

Found some. I grew these last year, seeds from the Hippy. Trinidad Scorpion, Butch T.

yep patrick tehy dont sting but maybe they was a bit cross poll.. but llook at the second left in the middle in you pic... look just like mine ;) maybe they sting with more heat .. they were grown in 21celcius all winter long...
probably with the 25-30c of the summer the second wave of pods will sting more ??? anyway those puppies are way to hot for me or my friends! will end up in powder or sauce :)
David if you don't mind which orange ones of yours are you referring to? Can you count the pics down from the top for me? I'm a little color blind. Thanks man.
Hey patrick, on my 4th slide there is a pepper much greener than orange... have the same "shape" of yours in you picture...
look in your picture ... on the same row of the most left hand side pepper (Which he as a sting and point upward... look at the pepper just on his right. this one one dosent seems to have a sting and look alike a bit...
anyway... maybe i have a cross but those nuke peppers are so hot!
im pretty sure it's a scorp but grown in the basement with just normal t5 fluos and a temperature of about 21celcius... maybe that is not good for stingers or heat... but im very happy so far... cant wait to throw them outside in the real world ;) wil have another wave of pepper probably much more killer looking than those ones...

like some of my brainstrain (not shown yet) they dont have the same size or shape... they have some bumpiness but dosent looks so far like cappy's one...
but we will see later on.... but now im ready for my first harvest... april 21... that,s good for 2012 so far ;)
Great looking pods, I wish I woulda got my Peach Bhut seeds earlier....though I keep thinking that a few hydroponic buckets might just resolve the late start issue...hmmm.
That Aji lemon pod is awesome! Im a big fan of that veriety! Also the Color phases of that Peach bhut are really awesome! Is that as dark as the green ever is?
here's an Update: pis taken 2 weeks ago... today it's way much bigger and more pods everywhere :)

7 Pot Chaguana

7 pot chaguana (close look) i love the alien pod with a smile at the bottom 2 long eyes and a long brain (just beside my 1 cents)

BUTCH T second wave (same plant as teh one giving the orange looking peppers previously posted in spring...) THEY WILL BE NASTY !!!

and No one will beat This NAGA VIPER..... Look like a Sneak Head !!!! <

and my 7 Pot Yellow! Very Big Very Wrinkly and growling like hell !!!

Nice, David! I've wondered where you disappeared to without any updates for the past 3 months! Those Chaguanas are super cool looking, have you had one yet? Let me know what the heat was like if/when you have/do.