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Happy Day of Birthing millworkman!!!

imaguitargod said:
Just think, years ago you were popped out of a warm gooie thing and you were covered with stuff, screaming away.... :shocked:

You pop out of what you spend the rest of your life trying to get back into. How ironic.

Lol Happy Birthday Millworkman!
millworkman said:
Thanks guys. Got a pretty large drop on insurance rates this year. It was pretty cool.

Nice, another friend of mine just turned 25 like 3 days ago. He said cheap insurance is best birthday present ever. :lol:
happy Birthday MWM...many more to you...
Pam said:
xkcd is the best.

When I can understand it.

Haha, it's the only comic i've ever read that makes me learn things. If i don't laugh at one of the comics, i usually do after a quick wikipedia search.