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Happy Veterans Day

Veterans Day, formerly Armistice Day, is an annual United States holiday honoring military veterans. It is a federal holiday that is observed on November 11. It is coincides with other holidays such as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day, which are celebrated in other parts of the world and also mark the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I. Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.

So to all my fellow Veterans who stand watch in harms way I wish you a day of peace. To those Brothers who have fallen Gods Speed and to all Veterans every who have placed their life on the line for their country I wish you a Happy Veterans Day and an Ice Cold Beer. :beer:

13M, US Army
1983 - 2003
It's Remembrance Day in Australia. After travelling around the world, especially to poor and under-resourced/overpopulated countries I feel very lucky to live in such a great place, and I'm grateful for all the people who died to keep it like this.
I have just raised my flags and said a prayer for those who I served with and are no longer with us. They made the ultimate sacrifice of life for freedom.

Peace to all...

Ronnie Walley
I have just raised my flags and said a prayer for those who I served with and are no longer with us. They made the ultimate sacrifice of life for freedom.

Peace to all...

Ronnie Walley

Much obliged for your service and God bless you Ronnie. Never served myself but pop did 26 years in the USAF. He did the Nam in '69.
I would also like to say a prayer and spare a thought for all those who gave their lives so unselfishly to protect the way of life that we in the western world now love and cherish
I wanna say thanks to all the Veterans out there, American and foreign. I have served with courageous Americans, Brits, Aussies, Italians, Spanish, and Dutch service members. The enemies bullets and bombs rarely have a name on it, just "To Whom it May Concern". I am honored to serve along side the greatest people on the planet that all have one unified goal in mind, to help those in need.

Also to all who gave the ultimate sacrifice, you are never forgotten.

Matt Golden
Thank you to all the veterans and especially to those who gave the ultimate price for our freedom.

God Bless you all.

My brother
Randall F.
US Navy, MM-Wep/Torpedoman
USS Albany
2009 - currently serving

My uncle
Steven S.
US Natl Guard
E-6,Combat medic
Unk-Currently overseas
my sweet wife took this shot of our new Weimaraner this morning after I had hoisted our flags...and I sure wanted to share it...

Thank you to all who have served, past and present, you are never forgotten and always appreciated.

My grandfather's ship was the USS Arizona. By a twist of fate, he was in San Francisco in Dec 1941.

here's one to get ya going. WOOHOO!
Thank You Bill, Ronnie, Matt, and EVERYONE else who dedicated your lives to protect this great nation. (sorry if I missed your post here)
I'm glad there is one day a year to give people like me the chance to thank people like you. And to remember all those that have come before. Thank You!

Good lookin' pup there AJ! thanks for sharing.
Missed this post, but my grandfather, father, uncles, myself, and my youngest son all served.

For me, I try to do a little bit by raising money for Disabled American Veterans. This year, I have decided to give ebay a try and have put up several of my crosses... 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Disabled American Veterans. Not knowing how ebay works, I am entrusting them to give 50% directly to DAV and I will provide the other 50% directly.