MeatHead1313 said:
Sounds good to me. Appreciate the offer. If I have pods available at the time I could either do a pod swap if I have something you're interested in, if not I'll gladly pay for the peppers.
You don't have to pay for the peppers. I might sell some pods for charity this season (still not sure) but trading pods around gives everyone a chance to try before you buy so to speak. I am growing so many peppers this year only because people on here sent me pods to try. Love this place.
PaulG said:
"Gotta get a new heater for grow room. The old one conked out after two seasons."
I feel your pain, brother. I'm holding my breath that the heater
in the greenhouse makes it through it's third season before going out.
If it does, I hope it is during the day and that I'm here!
Just picked up another heater. Exactly the same as the one I had. I should have paid five bucks for the extended two year warranty lol.
More pepper popping news today. My 7 Pod PSB has a triple coty. Never seen this before.
My first Bart popped up this morning as well. Leaving Jaques the only one not to pop yet.
A second JA Hab has came up and it looks like it is doing well pushing off its helmet.
My two mustard habs have helmets, but it looks like they are pushing them too. Going to keep em moist and hope that helps.
Two of the three Petes I had germ behind the wood stove are up. I am guessing these are the last two I put in and the first one I did I must have damaged it.
Another Not Butch yellow is up, and it looks like the tightest helmet yet. It might require surgery.
And finally, a pic of the pot ups I did last week.
I completely missed it, but the not butch has three up and the one with the fully up seedling is up with coty spread already. Helmets are already looking better.
Update to spreadsheet
2014 Grow List Kicking Off
HBJ (3rd Gen) 15 Plants, 3 from each parent
Goliath Jalapeno
Purple Jalapeno
Bonda Ma Jacques
(2 cells planted, 4 seeds 12/28) Hoping for 4 plants actually
Harold St Barts
(2 cells planted, 4 seeds 12/28) Hoping for 4 plants actually (01/09 1 up)
Chocolate Habanero (Over Winter Only)
Mustard Habanero
(1 cell planted, 2 seeds 12/28) (01/09 2 up)
Datil (Over Winter Only)
Paper Lantern
(1 cell planted, 2 seeds 12/28) (01/09 2 up)
JA Habanero
(1 cell planted, 2 seeds 12/28) (01/09 2 up)
West Indie Red Habanero
(1 cell planted, 2 seeds 12/28) (01/09 1 up)
Cherry/Big Bomb
Santa Fe Grande
Inca Red Drop
Biggie Chile
Pimeta De Neyde X (3 potted up)
Tepin x lemon drop
Antilles fire
Peach TS
Yellow Scorpion (1 Over Winter) 4 cells planted 12/26 (01/09 3 up)
Yellow Billy Boy Douglah
Yellow Brain Strain
Red Brain Strain (Over Winter Only)
Yellow Bhut (Over Winter Only)
Peach Bhut (One Over Winter)
Chocolate Bhut
White Bhut
Peach X
Yellow Fatalii
Red Fatalii (Over Winter Only)
Chocolate Fatalii
Fatalii Cream
MoA Scotch Bonnet 2 plants going strong
7 Pod Burgundy (3 Over Winter) 4 cells planted 12/26 (seed from stinger pod) (01/09 1 up)
Yellow Devil's Tongue
Chocolate Devil's Tongue
Yellow Moruga
Brown Moruga 7 potted up
Primo (Over Winter Only)
Yellow Congo
Yellow Manzano 1 plant going strong, one seedling up 1 helmet removed, survival improving
Orange Manzano 0-3 on planting so far
Jimmy Nardello
Douce d'Espagne
Sweet Goliath
Patio Red
Dulce Rojo Paprika