• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HillBilly Jeff's 2014 Adventure - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

HillBilly Jeff said:

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Bodeen said:
Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Good info on the ninja. Looks like the consistency on that smoothie is good. Gonna make some mean sauces.

Heat is great. My natural element I think. In Delhi it peaked around 135 degrees. The city really slows down during that weather but it is quite an experience. Electricity is also double the cost it is here, so we tended to be sparing with the AC.

Monzanos will ripen. That's the advantage of growing up there. Gonna have some good eatin.
Cucumber trial this year was 4 different kinds.  Old stand by National Pickling.  One I tried when I couldn't fine National, Boston Pickling.  Then two new kinds, one shaped like an apple, and a lemon type pickle.
Apple is producing, but they don't taste too good.
Lemon has yet to produce one pickle.
National is kicking em out fast.
Boston is kicking em out almost as fast.
I don't think I will stray from those two any more.  The apple and lemon were more of a give em a try move than anything else.  Not worth the effort.
OCD Chilehead said:
Very nice looking Jalapeño's Jeff. Glad to hear Jigsaws are maturing. You weren't kidding. That is a smoothie making animal. I bet it tastes great. Healthy looking stuff.

Have a great week Jeff.
Doing a pineapple jalapeno smoothie tomorrow.
Have a great week as well.
First run at making sauce.  A plum sauce so it turned out more purple than in the picture.  Not super hot, but I wasn't shooting for that.  Just a back of the throat burn that fades quick.

Ph was good, but since I didn't have any woozy bottles, I water bathed it in jelly jars and half pints.
Lookin good Jeff! How was that spicy pineapple smoothie? I've been interested in trying something similar. Got to get that tolerance back up for when the supers get ripe!
Also, those were some interesting looking TS peach pods. Save that plant if they keep coming out that way.
randyp said:
   My spice vodka would go great in that.YUmmm. ;)
As I was drinking it, I was thinking a gin drink...of course, I don't drink.
Capsicum Select said:
Lookin good Jeff! How was that spicy pineapple smoothie? I've been interested in trying something similar. Got to get that tolerance back up for when the supers get ripe!
Also, those were some interesting looking TS peach pods. Save that plant if they keep coming out that way.
A little tart.  Recipe called for two limes and that was a bit much.  I think one would be good.  Double or triple the pepper.   I fixed it by adding a little honey and blending it some more.
The plant has several pods on it like the one I posted.  I am really loving the aroma and flavor of these pods.  My bhut OW plants haven't done crap, so I probably won't take them through another winter.  Kind of odd as I find myself in July thinking about next season's grow and the OW selection already.  
It's been a nice break from the heat around here with showers this past week. Not having to water is great and the plants are loving it. We are waiting to see them pods turn as well. Pretty soon your going to be up to your neck in pods Jeff. Like everything else you grow.LOL.

Have a great day.
Billy Boy Douglah pepper. Has a decent amount of heat that just seems to attack the tongue. The problem is there is no flavor in this pepper. I don't see myself growing this pepper again.

randyp said:
   My spice vodka would go great in that.YUmmm. ;)
That was what I was thinking too. :drunk:
HillBilly Jeff said:
As I was drinking it, I was thinking a gin drink...of course, I don't drink.
Or not....... Virgin is better if you don't drink. :liar:
TrentL said:
read this... three clicks later have digital PH checker on order... didn't know such things existed until now. :)\
Did you get the Hanna? I like mine. Works well.