• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HillBilly Jeff's 2014 Adventure - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

HillBilly Jeff said:

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Bodeen said:
Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Aji Limo Rojo.  Pretty pepper when not ripe, gorgeous when fully ripe and red.  Cut it open and it had the aroma of a Rainforest, Brazilian Starfish, or  Bishop's Hat Pepper.  Take a bite out of the bottoms of the peppers and get very little flavor and just a touch of heat.  These are suppose to have heat anywhere from 50,000 to a little under a Habanero.  
In the last picture you can see I pulled the seeds off the crown and ate the entire thing.  Chewed it up and the flavor was actually worse than the bottom part of the pepper.
Then I swallowed and that's when the heat hit.  All on the tongue.50,000 is about right I would think.  Had some mouth watering and nose just started to run just a little bit.  Heat peaked in two minutes.
Jury is still out on if I will grow these next season or not.  If I do, they will be in a container.





Sexy looking pods.  Would look sharp sitting on the front porch in a pot.  Looks sharp with the purple unripe hanging as well as when the red ones hang.
Went out to put up the brackets for the next raised bed hoops (windy day so this newly hatched batch of skeeters left me alone) and found a near tragedy.  A limb of one of my MoA plants, with a dozen nice pods, broke.  The good news is it is still connected to the main and shows no signs of wilting.  They should ripen faster now.


What was it about the Limo Rojo that you didnt like. I have tried the Aji Limo and really enjoy the flavor...kinda similiar to Lemondrop. I have found that the purple to red pods have a distinctive flavor that I'm finding doesnt sit well with me. Is this the case with you? Ferment looks great, Conrats on diving into the fermenting head first you will be very pleased with the results. Those crystals look great all jarred up. Care to share your brine recipe??
Take care!
beerbreath81 said:
What was it about the Limo Rojo that you didnt like. I have tried the Aji Limo and really enjoy the flavor...kinda similiar to Lemondrop. I have found that the purple to red pods have a distinctive flavor that I'm finding doesnt sit well with me. Is this the case with you? Ferment looks great, Conrats on diving into the fermenting head first you will be very pleased with the results. Those crystals look great all jarred up. Care to share your brine recipe??
Take care!
I ate the red pod and it really didn't have any flavor or heat.  The crown had heat, but didn't taste well to me.
I find the Cristal taste a lot the lemon drop.
1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup vinegar, 3 Tbsp pickling salt.  Make enough brine to cover pickles.
Today's harvest.  Just got done cleaning them all.  Now it's time to make two more ferments, MoA and 7 pot Burg.  Then I will see if I can do three bottles of sauce.  Doing small bottle batches to make sure I have a good recipe.

Three kinds of pods from my BMJ plants...I think there is some JA Red in the red ones.  Not sure what is in the serrano shaped ones.

MoA for ferment.


Fat Y Fat C and Jigsaw.
