• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HillBilly Jeff's 2014 Adventure - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

HillBilly Jeff said:

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Bodeen said:
Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
maximumcapsicum said:
Wow HJeff things are looking really great here! Have you sampled the sauces? Where did you get the recipes?

Keep on growin bud!
I haven't sampled the ferments, but I have sampled the two sauces I just created.  The Mustard Habanero sauce tastes like really spicy grapefruit juice.  The Jigsaw sauce is a winner.  Really happy with the way it turned out.  It was one jigsaw used to make a bottle of sauce, and it could use a touch more heat.  I was thinking 18 pods for a 12 bottle run, but I might tone that back to 15 pods.
Didn't have a recipe.  I think if I smoke the pods first for this next batch, it should really give some depth to the sauce flavor. That's the plan next week any how.  Gotta put some seafoam in my boat before winter and since the skeeters are so bad here I can't squirrel hunt good, I think I will go fishing on my day off, so the sauce may be a cook one day, bottle the next day event.
HillBilly Jeff said:
How long did you cut them?  I am thinking 4 inches max length.  Need to find a "safer" way to cut the one section out.
My cuts were 2", Although I ran 5 ft'er's  through the bandsaw for the kerf, then cut the length into 2" pieces. .....pvc is 1.25" dia
Nice  omelet......that's how I like them ...golden without any browning.
Big shout out to HJeff. Got home from work yesterday to a completely unexpected surprise.

Thanks a million Jeff. Love the variety you have there. I must ask, what are the little yellow ones on the top left? They have a pretty decent sting for as small as they are.
Jeff H said:
Big shout out to HJeff. Got home from work yesterday to a completely unexpected surprise.

Thanks a million Jeff. Love the variety you have there. I must ask, what are the little yellow ones on the top left? They have a pretty decent sting for as small as they are.
Orange thai.  The blank label on the red one is cause its a mystery pepper to me.  First sampling of it had some good kick.  The serrano looking one is the second bmj not.  There is a red one in the box as well.  I think I tagged it.  Also included in all the boxes I sent out was a green pod that is a TS peach not.  Has a sweet start to it before some heat kicks in.  I sort of like it and plan to OW it.
I think I didn't see the photo correctly.  The skinny ones are the thai, I believe the other two are datil.
HillBilly Jeff said:

I think I didn't see the photo correctly.  The skinny ones are the thai, I believe the other two are datil.
Datil. That explains it. :surprised:  I ate a piece thinking it was probably an aji lemon type pepper. I was a little surprised by heat as you can imagine. I instantly tasted that chinense flavor so I suspected it was some kind of hab or a cross of some kind. I didn't know you were growing datils this year. Cool.
Tried the mako out tonight.  chinense aroma right off the bat.  Not much heat at first, and then it built.  Wasn't bad though.  80K I think.  Heat hit under the tongue and lips.  Pepper seemed a little chewy.  Everything else in the box is habs and then three pimento de neyde.  I can't wait to give these a go.


My yellow lipstick are getting much larger than the red.  Typically there are just red lipstick peppers, but I had some throw yellow ones a few years back and I saved the seed and the offspring have been yellow ever since.  They are nice three lobe sweet peppers.  Correction, the Gypsy peppers are three lobed.  Not sure what these would be classified as.
Cappuccino Habanero pepper.  Very aromatic.  Much like a 7 pot burgundy, only not so much heat.  Really a mellow pepper with a slow build to the heat that doesn't go all crazy on you.  Would have been a lot more heat had I popped the entire half I am sure.  I am not at that level yet!!!  Definitely a grow for next year.


Looking ahead to next years grow, I am thinking of one raised bed of habanero peppers.  I have room for 12 varieties as I plan to have two of each except for peach and yellow.
Big Sun
I have room for 6 more plants, 3 varieties unless I go with some singles.  Everything on the list is locked in except for picante and big sun as I haven't tried those yet.
Devv said:
Habenero bed looks great!
Don't know if it's going to affect you, but we have a cold front coming Friday.
I heard a low of 42 here.  Should be okay for frost.  I am picking clean Tuesday and that should have me buried in pods again.  Hope your stuff at the PO is okay tomorrow.  
Me too!
My daughter boomerranged (she's almost 30) last Monday and LB took her to pick up her things Saturday in San Antonio. Normally we would hit the PO early on a Saturday, but I was in the garden, and she was on the road.