• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HillBilly Jeff's 2014 Adventure - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

HillBilly Jeff said:

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Bodeen said:
Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
PIC 1 said:
Nice smoked Jig sauce....and you're right about only one Jigsaw in a woozie is not enough....considering when it id diced up it's only about a tsp worth........... :P...........btw, dropped some pods in the mail this morning. 
Thanks man.  I keep aiming to make my sauce as good as I remember yours are.  Not quite there flavor wise.  Need a lot more experience in it for sure.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Thanks man.  I keep aiming to make my sauce as good as I remember yours are.  Not quite there flavor wise.  Need a lot more experience in it for sure.
Let'em age like a good amber Rum......
My sauces are generally rough right out of the hot pot.....let the woozies sit, (a few weeks) once you crack the cap and take that first wiff of the scent...then you'll know if you hit the bull's eye.
BMJ Habanero peppers are kicking into high gear.
HillBilly Jeff said:
One pepper for a 5 ounce woozy and it didn't even make me break a sweat.  As I reduce this sauce, it should get hotter if my reasoning is correct?
I wonder about that.  Certainly you'd expect it to get hotter as it gets more concentrated, but capsaicinoids decompose under heating.  Which is the dominant effect?
HillBilly Jeff said:
Got it food milled and tomorrow it will be adjusted and reduced for bottling.
Jeff H said:
I really like that it was food milled. Since I bought mine, I use it all the time. Seeds suck in sauce.
What kind of food mill(s) are y'all using?
Had a little over the 13 bottles of sauce, so it wound up in a coffee cup in the fridge.  Probably half a woozy.  Had it on some crackers with cream cheese.  Starts off with a sweet smoky taste and finishes with a lingering heat.  I would have to say it is almost too smoky.  I imagine going with apple wood instead of hickory would reduce that by a lot.
I think the next sauce I make will be a bonnet sauce.  Will need to do some research to figure out what compliments it the best and what to cut it with.  They aren't so hot that I can't use a lot of them though.  I would think mostly bonnets with accent flavors.
Hope everyone has a great night.  Back to work tomorrow for me!!!
Thanks for sharing all that goodness. Nice harvest. That's a good thing when you can't put one more pod in the freezer. I'm on limited space in the freezer. No deep freeze. I've been using up freezer pods on anticipation of a actual harvest. Don't know if it's going to happen. That's high country gardening for you. LOL. Back to you. The sauce sounds good and those pork peppers look addicting.

Have a good day at work Jeff.