• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HillBilly Jeff's 2014 Adventure - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

HillBilly Jeff said:

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Bodeen said:
Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Very nice pods. Jigsaws are looking great. Pickles looks tasty as well as the salad. How long do you let pickles sit before being devoured? LOL. I really would like to try pickling peppers soon. Need to find a recipe.

Thanks for sharing Jeff.
HillBilly Jeff said:
This is in with my BMJ, but it surely isn't a BMJ.  Doesn't look like anything I have grown before.



Jeff: sending you PM. On the mystery I have no clue. Are any BMJ looking true? (Assuming you planted more than one plant.) Looking at my 2013 chart, I grew a BMJ near a Naga last year, intentionally crossed with QTs. (That don look like the F1 of that cross.) I grew some Jals near OThai and near Aji Limon.
But what's in your hand looks like an OT, young, but OT that I grew out, have pendant, rather than upright pods (think seed somebody send me were X'ed w/jal, big jal shape, giant, tasty OT). Are some pods more green and some more pale? That was trait that puzzled me about OT last year. If it's gonna be hot, be hot green. Is it warm in green stage?
OCD Chilehead said:
Very nice pods. Jigsaws are looking great. Pickles looks tasty as well as the salad. How long do you let pickles sit before being devoured? LOL. I really would like to try pickling peppers soon. Need to find a recipe.

Thanks for sharing Jeff.
Refrigerator pickles I hold them a week, making sure I shake them on a daily basis.  Only once though, don't want to shake my pickle too much :/
The dills are held 6 weeks.  
The new kind is going to be tasted in a week.
annie57 said:
Jeff: sending you PM. On the mystery I have no clue. Are any BMJ looking true? (Assuming you planted more than one plant.) Looking at my 2013 chart, I grew a BMJ near a Naga last year, intentionally crossed with QTs. (That don look like the F1 of that cross.) I grew some Jals near OThai and near Aji Limon.
But what's in your hand looks like an OT, young, but OT that I grew out, have pendant, rather than upright pods (think seed somebody send me were X'ed w/jal, big jal shape, giant, tasty OT). Are some pods more green and some more pale? That was trait that puzzled me about OT last year. If it's gonna be hot, be hot green. Is it warm in green stage?
I have over 20 plants growing Annie.  Taking up half my hab bed.  Many look like they are true shape.  I will know more when they ripen as I haven't tasted them yet.  The greens are pretty consistent in shading from what memory serves me.  Don't recall anything standing out.  
At first when I noticed the plant growing faster than the other BMJ plants, I thought I might have dropped in a wrong seed or something in the cell.  Haven't seen peppers like this before on the farm.  The only thing it could have been was my giant thai I grew for the first time this year.  But I had very few seeds and they were a later start.
Time will tell :)
Jeff H said:
looks like your year is off and running Jeff., Pics all look good. Pickles..I have a few jars made myself. Loving this time of year.
Love this time of year as well.  Soon we will be buried in pods.  Looking forward to having some poddage shots, but I am sure come November, I will be wanting a break from peppers lol.
romy6 said:
Good stuff going on here . Such healthy plants !!!!
They aren't all healthy looking lol.  Got some lower leaf yellowing/drop and some plants just look like something has hurt them.  3 Barts right next to each other and lone is looking perfect and the other two haggered.  I am imagining that the yellowing is a nute issue that I am going to correct.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Thank you.  Do they have it longer than 25 feet long?  My beds are 24 feet long and in order to close up the ends, I will need something longer.  What I have seen so far in the 10 feet wide rolls has been 25 feet long.
The roll I bought was 12x100' I believe it was $47.00. When compared to the smaller rolls it was a bargain per square foot. I wanted 12' wide as I used 10' pieces of PVC for the hoops and wanted the extra to lay timber on to hold things down.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Scott, did you get yours with the black tape and grommets?  If you didn't, how is it holding up?
I got it with the tape and grommets. The 20x40 piece is on it's third season, at present time I feel it will go another 3 years easy. And last year it was up for close to 6 months in our intense sun. I believe I paid around $160-170 for the 20x40'. I added 2 10x20's for this season. I really want more but have decided to downsize the grows for next year, and instead add more framing so I can rotate as I feel necessary. I'm using 30%
Already working 6 days a week and a place calls wanting to know if I would help them out on Friday and Saturday nights.  I immediately think about all the sun screens and finishing the hoops on my raised beds, not to mention some other garden goodies.  Go talk to them tomorrow after work.  
My orange manzano plant has another pod ripening...yellow.  Say what??  First pod I pulled off was orange, there is only one plant in the pot. Perplexing.
Finally getting some pods forming on the brown moruga.  Hope they can make it in 2 1/2 months.  They won't be making it back into the garden.
Fall greens are planted.
Going to taste a MoA tonight.  I put the early ripe pods in the freezer for some sauce later on.
Called a local meat shop about some sausage casings and they wanted 25 bucks a pound for them.  I ordered them through a buddy who owns a restaurant and I am getting 3 pounds for 25 bucks.  Have my turkey sausage recipe penciled together, just need to make a small batch of patties to see how it is before I start making links and smoking them.  If it all works out, I could be making deer sausage this fall.
Also have another sauce recipe in the back of my mind, just waiting on some woozies to get here....been over a week and still nothing.
Have a great night!!!
Devv said:
I heard a statement when I was a teenager, and that was over 40 years ago. You either have the time, and not the money, or the money and not the time.
Hopefully as you get older one has both!
My only goal that I have by working so much now is to semi-retire at age 50.  Hopefully that will give me enough time to enjoy the outdoors.  Can't take it with me.
Made a Mexican Patty Melt today and used the Fatalii Cream in it for heat.  Pepper had a nice fruity or flora aroma (don't know which is which).  I noticed very little placenta in this pod and when I ate it, there was zero heat.  Will have to try the next pod and see what it looks like on the inside.
Took a snap of the cajun bell to show how the plant is looking.  Compact plant that would grow great in a container on the deck.  I really like them in salads.

Mystery pepper that surprised me with the heat it had is podding back up.  I am hoping when I get enough peppers to send out care packages, I will have enough of these to include one in each box.

West Indie is just about fully ripe now.  Chocolate DT is coming on with a few ripe pods as well.  Yellow fatalii is kicking out some ripe ones.  
Outside of the 7pot and the Red Fatalii, I am disappointed in the production of my OW.  Primo is kicking out some pods, but my TS Yellow and two bhuts are a disappointment as is my datil.  Glad I got datil in the freezer still.  Might have to add a pair of them to the new grow next year as part of my hab bed.
Looks like I will be working doubles on Fridays and Saturdays starting on the 15th....opening day of squirrel season.  Calling it my impulse buy money. 
Have a GREAT weekend all.
GA Growhead said:
My cream fatalii were also heatless. One is throwing out red pods, also without heat. Was a bit bummed.
I wonder why that is?  They have the right aroma to be hot.  I didn't think they were suppose to be like the perfume.