QuebecFire thank you buddy if you need any seed chilli/veg ill see what i can do have tons of dorset/african naga seeds if you need:)
Luigi grew a yellow scorpion but It was supposed to be red so I wonder what the seeds will produce?

yeah I remember, this is I was asking to grifo if i got them ! cause I think luigi live in italia to !
cmpman1974 said:
So how's your Douglah pod ripening QuebecFire? We need daily updates. :)


both pod as been harvest ....I'm keeping my plant indoor for the last days cause the temp go under 5C , i'll post what they look like.

for the wierd pods describe as 7pod , maybe it is ....trinihottie said that see know 6 different type of 7pod so here we go ...the hunt for 5 other 7pod is open :D (I know that stillzman got an other pheno than me) so let find the others :hell:
so far I only know of 2 that people have maybe three. the one most people have I think its called "jonah" the pointy tail one like the one bent and me have and the pointy nast looking one photo on site?
QuebecFire said:
hehe thanks all ! I just decide to rip my douglah pod cause lil kids was playing around and I was scary about my PRECIOUS !! so ...anyway it was fully brown outside but lil greenish inside !there was 52 seeds in the first pod !once again there is a lot of placintal skin inside (more than the seven pod IMO)and seem lil hotter than 7pod (I made the test side by side with the 7pod nanananan) but the taste is less fruity and purgent than 7pod :

I'll let dry my seed first than spread the rest to the people that I'have name in the post above and let you know if I have some extra one
Scary... :shocked:
QuebecFire said:
I have a question about a weird pod , it make a long time that I was asking it to me ......what is this pod ?
I mean the one on the pictur and i'm sure this is not seven pod but what it is ??? does anyone know ?
How are you sure it's not a 7-Pot? are you some kind of a 7-Pot authority?