• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.


Are you growing the Cappuccino hab QuebecFire?:mouthonfire: They were on my list but I guess I forgot to start those hotties.:( I have some seeds to send you but it might take a few days to get things together eh.
Let me know what powders you liked and I'll send you more.
haha yeah I grow capucino habs but my lil plant is sad need more light !!! the bes powder I have ever taste was your yellow peruvian or aji limon not sure !!! delisousss !!
QuebecFire said:
and for my 2 UK friend ;) I have just sent you the seed cause I know that your custom are working (lol not the case for CA/US) to maximize your chance to get tha beannnnss !!!

Thanks QF. I wouldn't worry about our customs, we pretty much let anything through ;)
now it is real ;) bean sent !!! 7 to usa 3 to uk/englan 1 in italy and 2 to canada ! dont forget that does seed come from finger polinated pods with no pesticid at all and the only fertilizer that as been use come from the miracle grow soil that I use ! so this is the real sh"t no cross possible !!!
QuebecFire said:
now it is real ;) bean sent !!! 7 to usa 3 to uk/englan 1 in italy and 2 to canada ! dont forget that does seed come from finger polinated pods with no pesticid at all and the only fertilizer that as been use come from the miracle grow soil that I use ! so this is the real sh"t no cross possible !!!
Are you ok? :shocked:
Hmmm... maybe your plant didn't get crossed, but who's to say yours isn't already a cross? entire Trinidad is like my backyard and they're not exactly keeping it pure. ;)
stillmanz said:
Don't worry QF
Omri"s just jealous cause you didn't send him any seeds............lol
Oh darn it, you got me! :P
Don't get me wrong QF. you enjoy that beastly plant. :)
LOL ok nobody on the earth have a pure strain ok you'r right omri ,so those pepper has not be cross by me if they are ....!happy now ?
I just found a baggys of douglah seed 2d :/ so it is possible that some of you recieve an empty envelope LOL or maybe a miss take off strain so if you dont recieve what you have ask for or recieve an empty envelope just let it me know i'll send them back LOL sorry !I work so much and i'm so tire this week that I'm lil lost ..LOL
Ive done the same thing as well -- I thought I sent a SASE the find the stamp on the floor after I've sent it.... For your generosity in trading the seeds you have nothing to be bothered about.. easy mistake... and too much beer ;) :lol:
LOL I'm an heavy Guinees & kilkenny drinker soo LOL this is what's happening, maybe the last joint does'nt help too :lol:


I have an advice for ya all kid who'll read it !! dont drink or smoke budz and ?! you know ...?! ..mail things ! ...

I need an ice cold GUINESS LOLLLLLL!!!