food HOT dogs

I already had celery salt for my bloody marys. I had to have the poppy seed buns special made. Seems there's not much call for them here. I did steam the buns and I cooked the hot dogs in a sauce pan on the stove with some water. I didn't bother with fries today, maybe next time.

See Geeme. I told you there was such a thing as hot dog water!
Damn, you got this hot dog thing down I'm starting to see. Hot dogs are one thing I never crave... That is until I look at this thread. Now I dream of hot damn dogs.
See Geeme. I told you there was such a thing as hot dog water!
Such a thing? Well, yeah. Boiling dogs in water was the only way my mom ever made them at home when I was growing up. Going camping was a real treat, since we got to slap them over the camp fire.
I am impressed that you even got the celery salt and the poppy seed buns, did you boil the dogs in garlic water? that makes them extra yummy. I like to stuff some fresh cut fries in with the dogs, like gene and jude's serves them, and steam the buns... Next time I'll send some neon green relish!
and yellow mustard......
I woulda used the yellow mustard, in fact I have a bunch of it, but I like the spicy brown mustard better. Thank you.
Grilled dog with Katrina's Creeper fermented sauce, grilled jalapeno, raw onion, sweet relish, Nathan's mustard, cheddar jack cheese.


Ain't a damn thing wrong with that dog Jay... I'd hit that my dang self.
Gotta have the raw onion and mustard. Add in some of Katrina's sauce and its money son!
i should have taken a picture while in denmark but every time i ate them I was double-fisting the hotdogs... that's the beauty of french dogs, can hold it in 1 hand without messes. they core a hot-dog sized tube out of a fresh, moist, mini french bread, add french dressing and a little spicy curry sauce to the hole and shove in that weiner. Best thing ever. I got one everytime i saw a hot-dog stand.
look here! old cuban bass player in my band has his wife bringing real deal best cuban sammy ive had in years!!!!!!
so i brain storm and split two nathans in half fry eat one piece and slap three slices on a half of a cuban threw some EXTRA SHIZZY ON THANGS AND sorry caps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :dance: pimped me a hot dog :onfire: i do warn yall. the following is not for the meek :tear:

first of all pics of cuban with some crazy pickle mustard cheese spread with ham baked into the bread. this was in my bask pack for two hours then in the fridge for 4. but two shots of top and bottom.


cold and 6 hours old

fried dogs,going on sammy with some velvetta,ny sharp,and chunky blue cheeze. sirrach and some relish


going int toatser

out of the toaster
