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How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

In Bull Creek here.

Just returned to WA after living in the States for six years (Las Vegas) and my peppers are a result of the dismay at the lack of variety common to Aussie supermarkets.

I got my hand on all manner of seeds, but very slow going at the moment.

The first batch I put in quite a few weeks ago when it was still a bit cold. They wouldn't germinate till I brought them inside and covered with glad wrap. I kept them inside in little greenhouse things from Bunnings but they sort of stopped growing. I moved them outside and repotted them into small pots, but they really are crawling along. Is this stage always so slow? Many of the smallest ones just withered and died while the rest are under siege from an army of teeny tiny caterpillars which appear under the leaves and have to be squished on a daily basis.

A few of the first crop are about four inches tall with two sets of trueleaves - most are much smaller. They were sown about two months ago.

Afterwards I experimented with some seedling raising potting mix (osmocote brand) and those little electric incubators that you plug in. I am trying to give them a day or two in the incubator after germination and then shifting them outside so they don't become used to artificial light. These plants seem sturdier and greener, but still slooooow going.

By contrast, a purple capsicum and a jalapeno seedling that I bought from Bunnings for $2.95 and were not much taller than my hand at the time are absolutely caning away. The Jalapeno, despite having a large stem chomped off by a crow early on, is huge and has quite a few good sized pods already. Capsi seems to want to drop its flowers but is similarly massive and healthy looking.

Am I doing anything obviously wrong with my sowing? Years ago, before my time in the USA, I tossed a couple of habanero seeds in some random pot in the garden and ended up with a big, bountiful plant (until parrots annihilated it). Am I, perhaps, better off just planting in larger pots outside, or do seedlings just take ages to get cracking in the early stages after germination?

We have a tendency to show our plants too much love. Ironically, the ones you just chuck in the garden and leave clear alone will always do better than the ones you "care" for (i.e. the ones that are constantly moved and fiddled with). ;)

:welcome: from Brissy, BTW!
that sucks aye....they copped a beating...

I guess im lucky mine are sheltered. Not one of my chilli or tomatoes shows any sign of wind damage ><

I think the shade cloth helped to cut some of the wind down.
I moved all of mine under shelter. The only ones I would call "plants" right now are the ones I got as seedlings from Bunnings. They escaped any damage.
Hey, I'm from Ellenbrook. My plants have been growing since June. I pretty much f**ked them. Too much water, sun and love. I chucked them in the ground with some compost and now they are kicking ass.
Your plants looked awse before they got raped by the wind. My plants were pretty shelted by the fence thank f**k. I'm sure they will bounce back. Good to see so many people from Perth on this forum.
M8 had both the rug rats and one got sick but bintang solves all ! And cunning home to pods made it that much better

I don't get it so many people look and don't rate or comment , if u like my gear or I'm doing it wrong let me know and wud be gr8 if other ppl put pics up , share the love like the lady bugs lol :)

Hello feroza

Any mesh shots

I guess because there is a dedicated Aussie thread already plus other peoples private threads people might not like posting 2-3 times about the same plants. Yours are looking great though

Well before the storms gave them a hiding ... that sucks. Hope they bounce back well for you
Howdy Blue flames,

Nice looking plants and pods happening there.
Hey where did you get the baggies for isolating from? I have some material but will be much easier to buy them already made.
Bummer with getting hammered with the storms, luckily Chilli's are pretty tough and bounce back alot of the time from those things.

Happy Chilli Growing,
Sorry to see some of the storm damage. I'm lucky enough to have a sheltered verandah to move my pots under and none in the garden.

Still the same story here, though. Seedlings seem unwilling to grow past the second set of trueleaf stage. They just sit there. I have the caterpilars under control, but I don't know if I'm overwatering or what.
Ok the after storm stick collection


New shoots already , I stripped them completely and re poted them

And after a clean up these r bouncing back!



It's taken a few days to clean them up but now happy I did as the results speak for them selves next year I don't think I'll grow as many.... Who am I kidding :)
Howdy Blue flames,

Nice looking plants and pods happening there.
Hey where did you get the baggies for isolating from? I have some material but will be much easier to buy them already made.
Bummer with getting hammered with the storms, luckily Chilli's are pretty tough and bounce back alot of the time from those things.

Happy Chilli Growing,
G'day m8 not my baggies that jay but I'm sure he can help u out
Howdy Blue flames,

Nice looking plants and pods happening there.
Hey where did you get the baggies for isolating from? I have some material but will be much easier to buy them already made.
Bummer with getting hammered with the storms, luckily Chilli's are pretty tough and bounce back alot of the time from those things.

Happy Chilli Growing,
I got 100 of those organzer bags off eBay for $3. Came from china n took 1 week to arrive.

Does anyone need shade cloth? I have a butt load that I scored for free, I'm talking like 100mtrs of the stuff. Any fellow perthians that want to drive to Ellenbrook are welcome to as much you need.
lavatung i would love some shade cloth!!! could you spare several meters?

Im sure i could handle the drive to get a bargain :) i can bring some seeds if you want any.

Howdy Blue flames,

Nice looking plants and pods happening there.
Hey where did you get the baggies for isolating from? I have some material but will be much easier to buy them already made.
Bummer with getting hammered with the storms, luckily Chilli's are pretty tough and bounce back alot of the time from those things.

Happy Chilli Growing,

My fiancee got them from like red dot or one of the bargain 2 dollar stores. i think they are used for putting jewellery in.

Cheaper to get in mass from ebay but i think those were like say 5 bucks for 20 or something.

I have big ones on the capsicums now.